Behaviorism and Science
Philosophical Assumptions
Name that Dimension (of ABA)
Ethics Scenario
Mock Me! (Scenarios)

Name the 3 branches of behavior analysis.

Behaviorism, EAB, ABA


Name the 6 Attitudes of Science (AKA Philosophical Assumptions)

Determinism, Empiricism, Experimentation, Replication, Parsimony, Philosophical Doubt


Which dimension of ABA selects a behavior based on social significance?



Name and Describe the 3 scientific levels of understanding.

Description: quantified observed events

Prediction: correlation between variables of possible relations

Control: identify functional relations between those variables. 


Which two attitudes explain that the universe is lawful and that we should continuously question the truthfulness of a fact.

Determinism and Philosophical Doubt


Which dimension of ABA establishes that there is a functional relation between the event (IV), and the measured behavior (DV). 



What is the main difference between the Goal of Science and the Goal of ABA as a science?

Goal of science is to understand any phenomena under study, and the goal of ABA as a science if to understand a socially significant phenomena under study.


When assessing a new problem behavior, you have ruled out new medications, previous incidents of illness, any recent injuries, and other environmental changes before considering other potential complex solutions to explain the occurrence. Which assumption best fits this process? 



Which TWO dimensions of ABA explains that a behavior technique improves the improve to a practical degree and that the behavior is selected by social significance.

Effective and Applied


Ethics Question: "I work in a school district where a parent contacted the BCBA and said she won't consent to the initiation of services. May the BCBA initiate services at the school without the parent's consented if directed to do so by the school district?". Discuss the nature of the request, immediate reactions, analysis and explain possible ethical violations, or missing information needed 

Even though a BCBA is employed by a school district, the primary contact for the BCBA is to the client. Bringing the ethics code to the job in order to point out sections that are recommended to follow will resolve any conflicts later (this action meets the Code 1.04 (e) of the Code - Integrity). Note that the BCBAs are committed first and foremost to the Ethics Code, and in this case parents must give consent for assessment (Code 3.01, 3.03) for the development of a behavior plan (Code 4.02 - Involving Clients in Planning and Consent). Always keep in mind who your client is, and do not expect that school officials know or understand our code of ethics. 


In a team meeting, your BS reports that whenever their session is outside playing with flowers, Johnny has been using the palm of his hands to press against his eyes resulting in Johnny's eyes turning slightly red and watery very frequently and subsequent events usually escalates to verbal protest when the BS places demands. BS thinks it might be escape behavior because "Johnny does not like working with me". When you ask parents about the behavior, they tell you Johnny has allergies. Which attitude of science (philosophical assumption) best fits this scenario? (Bonus 100 points in explaining WHY)



What is Behaviorism and describe the main difference between Methodological Behaviorism and Skinner's Radical Behaviorism. 

Behavior is the philosophy of the science of behavior. Radical behaviorism accounts for private events, Methodological behaviorism does not.


You set up a frequency data tracker for every time your client "feels bad". In regards to the behavior of setting up a frequency data tracker, this violates which assumption.



Which THREE dimensions of ABA explains how a selected behavior or procedure is in alignment with a relevant principle, it is clear enough to be reliably replicated, and can be programmed to last over time/environment/other behaviors. 

Conceptually systematic, Technological, Generality


True or False. Private events are not behavior. 

FALSE. Privates events are still a behavior, it just has limited accessibility. 


Experimental methodologies assess the control of variables for a problem behavior. Which process best informs the design of effective treatment? (hint: it is related to the key goal of experimentation)

Functional analyses (e.g., establishing a functional relation)


Name the 5 "Bonus" dimensions of ABA. (Bonus 100 Points if you can briefly explain each one)

Accountability, Public, Doable, Empowering, Optimistic