This show premiered on FOX on December 17, 1989 and involves a family acquiring a dog named Santa's Little Helper.
What is The Simpsons
What are the 8 days of Hanukkah in 2021?
What is Nov 28 through to Dec 6?
The date of Winter Solstice 2021.
What is December 21
In the show Seinfeld, this holiday is celebrated on December 23rd as an alternative to the pressures and commercialism of the Christmas season.
What is Festivus
Snowflakes have this number of sides.
What is 6
Who is the director of Edward Scissor Hands?
Who is Tim Burton
What country is credited with starting the Christmas tree tradition?
What is Germany
The word solstice derives from this language.
What is Latin, sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still) meaning “sun stand still”
What are the zodiac signs of December?
What are Sagittarius (Nov 23 to Dec 21) and Capricorn (Dec 22 to Jan 19)
What months are considered winter in the southern hemisphere?
What are June, July, and August
The name of Ralphie’s little brother in the movie A Christmas Story.
Who is Randy
What is the winter holiday that celebrates African heritage, culture, community, and family?
What is Kwanzaa
The group of people who celebrated Saturnalia, a festival honoring the agricultural god Saturn, during what we call Winter Solstice.
Who are the Ancient Romans
On December 23, 1888, this famous artist cut off his left ear while in a depressive episode.
Who is Vincent van Gogh
President Barack Obama popularized this phrase when two blizzards in 2010 struck during the DNC winter meeting.
What is Snowmageddon
“Winter Is Coming” is the motto of which family in “Game of Thrones”?
What is House Stark
In Austria, Saint Nicholas rewards nice children while this anthropomorphic figure punishes naughty ones.
Who is Krampus
Some believe this famous English prehistoric monument was built to celebrate solstices.
What is Stonehenge
This pianist, born in December 1770, composed nine symphonies in his lifetime before becoming completely deaf and is widely acknowledged as the best pianist to ever live.
Who is Ludwig van Beethoven
In which country were the first Winter Olympics held?
What is France (1924)
How many siblings does Kevin have in Home Alone?
What is four
The holiday, originating in Spain and celebrated in Mexico, includes a procession that moves from house to house with a candle in a lampshade.
What is Las Posadas?
The Mayan prophecy called for the “end of the world” to occur on the Winter Solstice of this year.
What is 2012
The Mariner II Space Probe sent back information on this planet on December 14th, 1962.
What is Venus
What is the largest width ever recorded of a snowflake?
What is 15 inches