Ch. 1 & 16: Welcome & Occasions
Ch. 4: Listening
Ch. 6 & 7: Topic & Researching
Ch. 9-11: Outlining & Organizing
Ch. 8: Reasoning
T/F: Public speaking will help make you a more successful worker and a more effective citizen.
What is true
What are four general problems that make listening difficult?
What is (1) listener distractions, (2) limited attention span, (3) jumping to conclusions, and (4) situational distractions.
The purpose of a speech that causes people to think about a topic that they previously knew nothing about is _____.
What is agenda setting.
Name and describe types of outlines according to lecture.
What is (1) key word - only 1-3 words per point, (2) key phrase - 5-8 words per point and possible citations, (3) full sentence - aka delivery or presentation full sentence, transitions, and citations.
Identify and define the three components of a "unit of proof."
What is (1) claim - statement you want audience to accept, (2) supporting material - evidence for claim, (3) reasoning - mental leap that links support to claim
T/F: The public forum is limited to large political questions like public health policy.
What is False.
When you decide that a statement is true because it "just sounds right," or reject a statement simply because it doesn't fit with your current beliefs or opinions, your evaluation is called _____ judgment.
What is uncritical.
Identify and define four types of examples
What is (1) brief, (2) hypothetical, (3) anecdote, and (4) case study.
As a rule, there must be a(n) ________ of points at any level of subordination in the outline.
What is equal.
Patterns of reasoning include:
What is example, sign, cause, testimony, and narrative.
Public speaking occurs in response to a specific _________.
What is Situation.
Excessive street noise or a bee buzzing about the classroom can create a _______ distraction for some audience members.
What is situational.
"According to Chuck Yeager, there is no greater thrill than flying a fighter jet beyond the sound barrier" is an example of which type of supporting material?
What is testimony.
Why is identifying with your audience a beneficial strategy in an introduction?
What is it establishes common ground; creates a good first impression; creates interest; suggests that the speaker is speaking on their behalf; *fulfills the identification component of decorum.
In rhetorical proofs, ______ are inferences that a reasonable and diverse audience would consider unreasonable.
What is fallacies.
A decorous speech conforms to audience expectations. What five variables are associated with these expectations?
What is (1) formality, (2) length, (3) intensity, (4) supporting material, and (5) identification.
Nonverbal cues such as head nods, bored looks, or heightened attentiveness provide ______ to the speaker from the audience.
What is feedback.
An _____ is a question raised by the thesis statement that must be addressed in order for the thesis to be effectively supported.
What is issue.
Identify and describe the seven arrangement patterns.
What is (1) chronological, (2) spatial, (3) topical, (4) cause-effect, (5) problem-solution, (6) narrative, and (7) motivated sequence.
What are the five basic fallacies concerned with public speaking?
What is (1) Fallacy of composition, (2) Fallacy of division, (3) Common cause, (4) Post hoc, (5) Red herring, (6) Ad hominem.
The speaker's ability to articulate the audience's unexpressed feelings is called ______, because the speaker's words echo listeners' feelings.
What is Resonance.
T/F Evaluating speech effectively means focusing on two concepts: the rhetorical situation and the situational distractions faced by the speaker.
What is false.
Suppose you were asked to speak at your uncle's 75th birthday party as a commemoration of his life's work. Identify the steps you would take in developing a strategic plan for his speech.
What is (1) identify purpose, (2) identify constraints, (3) identify opportunities, (4) choose the means, (5) examine the rhetorical situation, (6) evaluate the results.
When each main point in an outline addresses a separate idea without any overlap, the main points are _______.
What is discrete.
What is the Toulmin model?
What is a model of practical reasoning consisting of three basic elements; claim, grounds, and warrant.