True or False
By the numbers...
Short Answer

You can only study in the library.

False! There are tons of spots on campus to study. For quiet, we recommend the top levels of the library, the second floor of Green Center, and study rooms in Brown, Coorstek, and Marquez. If you need background noise, PT and coffee shops are great! Find a spot that works for you!


How many hours of sleep do you need a night?

For college-age students, 7-9 hours is recommended. Can vary by gender and activity. 

Sleep is important because: 

  • Improves our ability to learn new information and form memories
  • Restores neural connections
  • Assists in optimal emotional control, decision making, and social interaction
  • The GPAS of students receiving 9+ hours of sleep per night were significantly higher (3.24) than those of students receiving 6 or fewer hours of sleep per night (2.74).

What is one thing you can do if you don't know how to study for an exam?

Some things you could do: 

- go to a teacher's office hour and ask them

- take practice tests if available 

- go to TA office hours or the tutors in CASA

- ask a friend who has taken the class 


Staying up until 2am and getting 5 hours of sleep the night before a test is a good idea. 

False! A good night of sleep is an essential part of your study routine. You need to give your brain time to process everything you've been learning!

How many minutes do you study before taking a break when using the the Pomodoro Technique? 

25 minutes of studying followed by a 5 minute break. Repeat for 3-4 cycles and then take a 30 minute break. 


What is spaced repetition?

A learning technique that involves reviewing material at increasing intervals over time to improve long-term memory retention. It's based on the idea that the brain learns best when information is reviewed at gradually increasing intervals. Basically the opposite of cramming


If you go to there is a page of academics resources for managing test anxiety, improving time management, and becoming better at studying. 

True! If you are feeling overwhelmed with academics and tests, CASA offers tons of resources!


How many days before a test should you start studying?

7-10 days is recommended. A little bit of studying over a longer amount of time has been proven to be more beneficial than a lot of studying in a short time. 


What is something you can do if you are feeling totally unmotivated to study?

- give yourself an incentive. ex. If i study for 30 minutes, I can watch an epsiode of Gilmore Girls after

- use the Pomodoro Technique 

- Try to think of it as a cool opportunity to grow your knowledge on a subject

- go to a fun location 

- find some friends and study together. You can all keep each other on task and motivated. 


Concentration begins to decrease after 1-2 hours of studying the same subject. 

True! To stay engaged, switch between subjects and take breaks!


Scenario: John struggles with time management and procrastination. He always studies at the last minute and as a result, isnt doing well in any of his classes. What is one thing you could tell John to to help him do better?

You could tell John to: 

- use a calendar (physical or digital) to keep track of test days and to schedule in study times 

- Visit CASA in person or website to find resources on time management and procrastination 

- join a study group that will help motivate him to study ahead of time 


Failing a test means you are not smart enough for college

False! Failing is ok! What's more important is what you do after you fail. Reflect on what you didnt know and how you can make changes to do better the next time!