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Tons Galore
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Memorial Day

A "golden" lack of noise, and a permit for cruising in your convertible. 

What is silence and license?


Concussions can occur with or without LOC, loss of this.

What is consciousness?


Mostly copper and weighing just over a ton, it was cast for the Pennsylvania statehouse in the 1750s.

What is the Liberty Bell?


She was the first lady from 1989-1993.

Who is Barbara Bush?


For Memorial Day, the 3rd US Infantry Regiment places flags in front of more than 200,000 headstones in this cemetery.

What is Arlington National Cemetery?


To make a sauce more viscous, and the room of the house where it might happen.

What are thicken and kitchen?


In 1989 the gene that causes this disease, CF for short, was discovered.

What is Cystic Fibrosis?


It's estimated that some of these, literally "terrible lizards", stood about 50 feet tall and weighed as much as 85 tons.

What are dinosaurs?


From 1934 to 1971 this noted photographer was a director of the Sierra Club.

Who is Ansel Adams?


The WWI poem "In Flanders Fields" inspired the use of this flower as a symbol for remembering fallen soldiers.

What is a poppy?


A solo performance before an audience, and a newspaper description of it the following day.

What are recital and article?


The common cold is known as a URI, or this type of infection.

What is upper respiratory infection?


3500 years old and weighing 220 tons, one of NYC's oldest artifacts is the Central Park obelisk known as her needle.

What is Cleopatra('s)?

Prior to March 6, 1964 Muhammad Ali had this name.

Who is Cassius Clay?


This traditional song of Memorial Day was to originally a call to extinguish lights.

What is "Taps"?