Literary Locations
G.O.A.T Entertainment
The Study of Humans and Culture
The Good Ol'
U. S. of A.

The home of Bruce Wayne, not to be confused with its real-world counterpart New York City.

What is Gotham City?


Country Music - This artist is recognized by the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA) as the best selling American artist in history. 

Who is Garth Brooks?


When ice melts into water, this value does not change.

What is the mass?


This internet gamechanger hires anthropologists to understand internet search patterns.

What is Google?


Four states make up the Four Corners National Monument, these are their capitals.

What are: Denver, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, and Santa Fe?


The small town just outside the grounds of Hogwarts.

What is Hogsmeade?

Rock Music - Despite touring around the world in the late '60s and 70s, this band only appeared on TV once because of the poor audio quality.

Who is Led Zeppelin?


All objects in the world are made up of this, and they are composed of building blocks called this.

What are matter and atoms?


This method of Anthropologic research often requires the researcher to live amongst the people they are studying for a long time. This allows for experience and first hand interactions with the group's cultural way of life.

What is Participant Observation?


The five states that border the Gulf of Mexico.

What are: Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida? 


Famed castle with a round table.

What is Camelot?


Hip-Hop/Rap - Sean Corey Carter was born on December 4, 1969 in Brooklyn, NY. Professionally, he is known by this name. 

Who is Jay-Z?


A summer solstice is also known as this.

What is the longest day of the year?


This unit of measurement gauges both a natural unit of length, and a natural unit of time.

What is a Planck?


The smallest state by area in the United States.

What is Rhode Island?


Ancient city that became polylingual after some major construction.

What is Babel?


Science Fiction Movie - Directed by Stanley Kubrick, research for this film included discussions with Carl Sagan and NASA.

What is 2001 A Space Oddessey?


Chemical A and B reacts like A+B=AB. This is called:

A - Decomposition Reaction

B - Synthesis Reaction

C - Redox Reaction

What is B, Synthesis Reaction?


This extinct human race was the first to expand into Europe, their earliest traces of remains were found in Germany.

What are Neanderthals?


Since its founding, this state capital has been re-named twice and is inaccessible by road from the mainland.

What is Juneau, Alaska?


The land where Kubla Kahn decreed his palace be built.

What is Xanadu?


Action Hero - While better known for his prowess in martial arts, this future action star was named the Crown Colony Cha Cha dancing champion of Hong Kong in 1958.

Who is Bruce Lee?


This is the country in which element number 113 was first made.

What is Japan?


This type of Anthropology tells us that Neanderthals were (probably) redheads.

What is Molecular Anthropology?


This state's name is derived from two French words meaning, "Green Mountain".

What is Vermont?