Sign in/Sign out

How many hours or minutes between checks?

1 hour or 60 minutes


How can someone tell which staff members are in the group by looking at the CSR?

By looking at who is signed in.


When do you need to do a transition?

When you are moving from one room to another. Or when you are crossing a threshold. 


What is missing?

Bonus: How many kids are there? 




What does it mean when a child is written in and not already printed on the CSR?

It means they were not on the schedule, but still showed up that day. 


What is the B and A for on the transition checks?

Before you leave and After you get there. 


When you are taking over for someone in a group, how do you indicate that on the CSR?

Sign yourself in and sign the other person out. 


How does someone tell where you are going and what time you are going there if they are looking at the CSR?

They will see at the top of the transition. It will say the place and time. 


What time did Lilian Schmidt leave? And with who?

Mom 4:35


It is 3:35 pm and two of the children are not here after school. What are the steps you need to take next?

Check the parent communication book/phone. 

Check with the office. 

Check with parents. 


When you are doing a check and you finish calling the last name what do you need to fill out next? 

How many teachers, how many students, and your initials. 


How many teachers are signed in at 12:00 and 2:30?

12:00 = 2

2:30 = 2


What happens/what do you need to do if you are lined up for a transition outside, you have finished your B check, and a child leaves with their parent? 

They will be counted in your B check because they were there. They will not be counted in your A check. 


What time did Finley Butterfield leave and with who? 

Dad 3:50


When do you use time in/out vs. final departure time? 

Time in/out is if they were coming back. Maybe after a tutoring session or appt. Final departure is used when they get picked up and are not returning. 


How many students are here during the 7:00 and 11:00 check? 

7:00 8

11:00 14


What do you notice about this?

Teacher 3 is not signed out. 


Why is this child highlighted in blue not counted in the transitions? 

Because they came after the students came back in from outside. 


Bennett’s mom called on Tuesday and said he is not coming in on Friday so you mark him out on the CSR. On Friday he shows up. What do you do now? 

Write him in and do the counts like normal. 


You are in the gym at Forest Glen and a child has to go to the bathroom. How do you indicate that on the CSR/how do you keep track of who is in the bathroom?

Trick question: you don’t need to write it on a temp. Transition if you are standing outside of the bathrooms. 


Describe how you make sure you have the correct amount of kids during a name to face check. 

Call a name, look up to make sure you see them, check them off on your hourly count. Then keep doing that until you get through all the names. Once you have done that count how many checks are on your board and then count how many kids are in your line. Make sure they match. Then write in how many kids, teachers, and sign off. 


Can someone under 18 be signed into a CSR? 

Yes they can, they just need to be signed in with someone else over 18. 


What does the circle mean on this transition? 

Bonus: What is missing or what else is needed? 

Circle means that the child is not with the teacher during that transition. On the sheet it says that They are with Sam. 

Bonus: Temporary transition


A child hits their head while they are outside. You get them an ice pack and they stay inside with another teacher so they can be monitored. How do you show that on the CSR?

They will be a circle if you need to do a name to face check. They also need to be put on a temporary transition. 


What are at least two ways that you will ensure that CSR’s are done properly? 

Answers will vary. You may get extra points depending on your answers.