How do you make a container a flexbox
What is display: flex
How do you make a container a grid
What is display:grid
What value of grid-template-columns will give 3 100 pixel columns?
100px 100px 100px
What is the term for a massive celestial object so dense that not even light can escape its gravitational pull?
Black Hole
How do you set the directions of the items to horizontal in a flexbox?
What is flex-direction: row
What property do you use to set the widths of the columns?
What value of grid-template-columns will give 4 equally sized columns?
1fr 1fr 1fr 1fr
What is the name of the first human-made object to reach interstellar space, having left the solar system in 2012?
Voyager 1
How do you place items vertically in a flexbox?
What is flex-direction: column
What is grid-template-rows?
What value of grid-template-columns will give a 200 pixel column and have the other column take up the remaining space?
What is 200px 1fr?
Which celestial event occurs when the Moon passes directly between the Earth and the Sun, casting a shadow on Earth and blocking out the Sun's light for a brief period?
Solar Eclipse
What value of justify-content places the items in the center?
What is justify-content:center
What property can you use to label areas of the grid according to a template
What is grid-template-areas?
What value of grid-template-columns will give 2 columns that take up as much space as their contents, and one column that takes up the remaining space?
What is auto auto 1fr?
Who was the first human to walk on the Moon during the Apollo 11 mission in 1969?
Neil Armstrong
What property do you set in the items of a flexbox to control its relative size?
For items of a grid, what are 3 properties that can be used to decide what part of the grid the item will be displayed on?
grid-row, grid-column, grid-area
What value of grid-template-columns will give 4 columns, where each column is twice as wide as the one before it?
What is 1fr 2fr 4fr 8fr?
Which famous space telescope was launched by NASA in 1990 and has provided stunning images of distant galaxies and nebulae?
Hubble Space Telescope