This Hungarian-American computer scientist created a namesake architecture which all modern computers are based on.
Who is John von Neumann?
This language was named after a British comedy group and is considered the most popular and beginner-friendly programming language in the world.
What is Python?
This course is an introduction to programming for new CSSE majors; a chemical engineering professor teaches some sections.
What is CSSE 120/Introduction to Software Development?
This efficient algorithm halves the search space with each iteration, allowing it to find an element in a sorted list in O(log n) time.
What is binary search?
This iconic company is known for its iPhones, Macs, and the iOS ecosystem.
What is Apple?
This English mathematician worked with Charles Babbage on the Analytic Engine and wrote the first algorithm intended to be processed by a machine.
Who is Ada Lovelace?
This language was created at Google in 2007 with the help of Ken Thompson; if you pass it, collect $200.
What is Go/Golang?
This course serves as students' first deep dive into low-level programming, where they learn C and assembly.
What is CSSE 132/Introduction to Systems Programming?
This algorithm finds the shortest path between nodes in a graph with non-negative edge weights.
What is Dijkstra's algorithm?
This company started as a humble online bookstore; now, its founder builds rockets in his free time.
What is Amazon?
This Dutch computer scientist made significant contributions to the development computer programming languages and computer algorithms, including a namesake shortest path algorithm.
Who is Edsger Dijkstra?
This language is a modern Lisp dialect that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM).
What is Clojure?
This course is an extension of the first data structures and algorithms course, exploring more algorithms and techniques to help you succeed in technical interviews.
What is CSSE/MA 473/Design and Analysis of Algorithms?
This divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm has an average-case time complexity of O(n log n) but a worst-case of O(n²).
What is Quicksort?
This company provides a complete DevOps platform, offering tools for version control, CI/CD, and project management, all in a single application; it's the less popular option compared to its Microsoft-owned competitor.
What is GitLab?
This American computer scientist created the first compiler and was involved with the creation of COBOL.
Who is Grace Hopper?
This language ignores all non-whitespace characters.
What is Whitespace?
This course serves as an extension to an introductory course to a topic that is the department head's specialty.
What is CSSE 433/Advanced Database Systems?
This pathfinding algorithm uses heuristics to efficiently find the shortest path in a graph, often used in video games and robotics.
What is A* search algorithm?
This company, founded by the creators of Apache Spark, provides a unified data analytics platform for big data and machine learning workloads.
What is Databricks?
This American computer scientist was the lead engineer for the Apollo Guidance Computer software which allowed the Apollo 11 mission to land on the moon.
Who is Margaret Hamilton?
This language, created by Kenneth E. Iverson in the 1960s, uses a unique symbolic notation and requires a special keyboard.
What is APL/A Programming Language?
This new course teaches students the necessary tools to succeed in REUs and senior thesis.
What is CSSE 393/Research Skills?
This algorithm is used to solve linear programming problems by traversing the vertices of a polytope to find the optimal solution.
What is the simplex algorithm?
This company, founded in 2015, created CockroachDB, a distributed SQL database designed for scalability and resilience, inspired by Google’s Spanner.
What is Cockroach Labs?