CST 101
1st Responder
If it's not documented...

CST services are provided to this age group.

What is 18 years or older?


CST provide "first responder", crisis response, as indicated, in the PCP, when?

What is 24/7/365?


What does TCLI stand for?

What is Transitions to Community Living Initiative?


Must be completed prior to or on the first date of service.

What is Person Centered Plan (PCP) and Service Order (Physician's signature)?


PCPs and Comprehensive Crisis Plans are reviewed ________

What is at least quarterly?


At least __% of service is delivered face-to-face, in the community, by the team with the individual served.

What is 75%?


This tool is used during crisis response and intervention to determine the severity of a person's suicidal ideation.

What is the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (CSSRS)?


What additional documentation is required for CST individuals enrolled in the TCL Initiative?

What are...

- Independent Living Skills Assessment

- Housing Assessment

- Housing Support Crisis Plan


This functional assessment tool is required at CST intake and reviewed on a 3 month interval while a person is engaging in CST services.

What is DLA-20?

True or False: Weekly CST supervisions must be provided face-to-face.

What is TRUE?


CST maintains a beneficiary-to-staff ratio of _:_ with a team maximum of __ individuals.

What is 12:1 and 48 individuals?


This tool is used during crisis response and intervention to determine the severity of a person's homicidal ideation.

What is the Assault and Homicidal Danger Assessment Tool?


It is preferable that this assessment is completed prior to the person moving into independent living in order to identify critical deficits.

What is the Independent Living Skills (ILS) Assessment?


How are contact attempts documented?

What is non-billable notes?

One unit equals_______.

What is 15 minutes?


True or False: The Team Lead is required to provide direct clinical intervention with each individual served on CST.

What is true?


If a CST staff on 1st responder duty needs to consult with clinical leadership regarding a crisis call, what resource is available to the staff on 1st responder duty?

What is the Clinical Supervisor On Call (CSOC).


This assessment is completed at intake and identifies an individuals preferences, needs, and barriers affecting successful tenancy maintenance.

What is the Housing Assessment?


True or False: When it is medically necessary for services to be authorized for more than 6 months, a new CCA or an Addendum to the original CCA must be completed and submitted with new service authorization.

What is true? There must be evidence of a full CCA (in addition to the initial CCA) or a CCA addendum completed at or before 6 months from the date of CST services admission.


Initial NCTOPPS must be completed within the __ or __ CST billable event. Update NCTOPPS must be completed at __ month, ___ month, ___ year, and ___-________ thereafter.

What is...

- 1st or 2nd

- 3

- 6

- 1

- bi-annually


CST must be comprised of four full-time staff positions as follows:

- 1 Team Lead who is a licensed clinician.

- 1 team member who is an CCS, LCAS/LCAS-A, or CADC.

- 2 team members who are QP, AP, PP, or CPSS and have at least 1 year of experience working with adults with MH/SA disorders.


How many hours of crisis response training is required for each CST team member to complete?

What is 3 hours of Crisis Response training.


This assessment is completed at intake, every 3 months for the first year (with the PCP review), and annually thereafter. The plan shall address the interventions and support for potential housing crises.

What is the Housing Support Crisis Plan?


How often does the Team Leader provide supervision to the CST team, how is supervision documented, and where does that supervision documentation live?

What is...

- 1x weekly

- Weekly Interdisciplinary Team/Supervision Meeting Form

- In a binder at your local office or on your local office's share drive. (Consult with your Director/Clinical Leadership to determine where they would have you store these forms.) 

CST Interventions include, but not limited to the following as clinically indicated (provide one example).

modeling, behavior modification, behavior rehearsal, relapse prevention plan development, psycho-education, etc.