What's the best time to arrive at school for the CST's?

A. Whenever I wake up and roll out of bed
B. 7:45 to 8:00
C. 7:15 to 7:30
D. After the test has started
What is:

C. 7:15 to 7:30
What is NOT a healthy breakfast before the CST's?

A. Eggs, toast and juice
B. Oatmeal and milk
C. Bagels with fruit
D. Fruity or Cocoa Pebbles
What is:

D. Fruity or Cocoa Pebbles
What is the correct way to bubble in your answers on the CST?

A. Pencil in the bubbles nice and neat
B. Scribble scrabble
C. Skip some bubbles
D. Halfway filled in bubbles
What is:

A. Penciling in the bubbles nice and neat is very important
What is the best drink to bring for CST's?

A. Frappuccinos
B. Monster drinks
C. Water bottles
D. Coke or Pepsi
What is:

C. Bring a water bottle if you can
Can I bring my blankey and slippers from home?

A. Of course
B. That way we can tuck you into your desk
C. And make you all comfy
D. NO This is the 4th grade. We need to be serious about taking the test
What is:

D. NO We need to be serious about taking the test
What happens if I am late or tardy to school?

A. Mr. Green will have a special gift for me
B. I get to go home early
C. I don't have to take the test
D. I will have to a first grade room and make up the test the next day
What is:

D. I will have to go to a first grade or kindergarten room and make up the test the next day
What is a good bedtime the night before the CST's?

A. 8:00
B. Midnight
C. 10:00
D. 1:00 a.m.
What is:

A. 8:00 o'clock is preferable
What is a good test taking skill?

A. Close your eyes and just pick an answer
B. Copy from your neighbor
C. Just guess the answer C every time
D. Eliminate all bad answers to help you get closer to the correct answer
What is:

D. Eliminate all bad answers to help you get closer to the correct answer
Will I be allowed to use the bathroom during the CST's?

A. Yes, so I can get the answers from my friends
B. Yes, because I am bored
C. Yes, because I just need to escape
D. NO! Sit down and concentrate, the test isn't that long
What is: D

D. No! You need to go to the bathroom before the test starts
Will I be able to have yummy snacks during the test?

A. Yes, of course
B. Is there any snack that isn't yummy?
C. Yes, we all need brain food
D. All of the above
What is

D. All of the above
Why should you NOT worry about the math and language arts CST?

A. The test is easy if you read each question carefully
B. The teachers have you well prepared
C. Be confident, you are smart!!
D. All of the above
What is:

D. All of the above are correct!
What is NOT a healthy choice for dinner the night before the CST's?

A. Chicken
B. Tuna
C. Turkey
D. Cupcakes with ice cream
What is:

D. Cupcakes with ice cream
What is another good test taking strategy?

A. Underline whenever you find an answer in the text
B. Make a pretty design with the bubbles
C. Keep choosing the answer C
D. Take a quick nap
What is:

A. Underline whenever find the correct answer in the text
What kind of attitude should I have during test week?

A. Just curl up in a ball and whimper
B. Be so nervous your legs shake
C. Freak out and run around screaming aahhhh!!
D. Remain cool, calm and relaxed.
What is:

D. Remain cool and calm
What is the best way to keep your test neat?

A. Keep your snacks away from the test
B. Don't smudge your bubbles
C. Erase all stray pencil marks
D. All of the above
What is:

D. All of the above are important
What is one IMPORTANT fact that should be noticed about our school during testing?

A. Mr. Green has a beard
B. The school needs to be a quiet campus
C. Our school mascot is a coyote
D. Track season is starts Wednesday
What is:

B. The school needs to be absolutely quiet during testing
What is an excellent way to prepare for the CST's at home?

A. Staying up late watching TV
B. Playing video games
C. Eating healthy foods and being well rested
D. Spending the night at a friend's house
What is:

C Eating right and getting plenty of rest
What are some other excellent testing strategies?

A. Take your time
B. Read all directions carefully
C. Read the answer choices first
D. All of the above
What is:

D. All of the above, each skill will help you!
What should I do if I finish the test early?

A. Celebrate by making loud woo hoo sounds
B. Share my answers with those around me
C. Go back and recheck each answer for mistakes
D. Put my feet up on my desk and relax
What is:

C. Go back and check then recheck you answers
Can I chew gum to relieve stress during the test?

A. As long as your teacher says that it is okay
B. As long as you don't blow bubbles
C. As long as you put it in the trash when you leave the classroom
D. All of the above
What is:

D. All of the above
When walking past other classrooms that are testing, you should?

A. Talk really loud
B. Peek into the windows
C. Bang on the outside walls
D. Don't say a word or make any noise at all
What is:

D. Yes, please be quiet, we are a silent campus
What happens if you are absent for one of the testing days?

A. No problem, we just skip that part of the test
B. You WILL have to make up the test
C. You can't move on to the fifth grade
D. You will have to wash Mr. Green's car
B. You will have to make up the test!!
Can I write on the test?

A. No, You will have a visit from Mr. Green if you do
B. Yes, Because pretty designs are awesome
C. No, The test is just like the 3rd grade test
D. Yes, You need to write in the test to help you answer many of the questions
What is:

D. Yes, You need to write on the test to help you get the correct answers all the time
When I'm absolutely sure I am finished with the test, I will?

A. Turn it in to the teacher and start talking
B. Turn it in to the teacher and start reading
C. Turn it in to the teacher and start calling home
D. Turn it in to the teacher and start dancing with the stars
What is:

B. Turn it in and start reading your AR book or a book already in your desk
What is so special about Friday, April 26th?

A. That is our field trip to the San Luis Rey Mission
B. The last day of school
C. Mr. Green finally shaves his beard
D. 4th grade teachers and students dance and sing because the CST is over!!
What is:

C. Ooops, we mean:

D. the CST is finished for another year! Woo Hoo