area in space with extreme gravity scores an amazing shot in golf
black hole in one
Hijinks, shenanigans
monkey business
this side character in Toy Story is made of a beloved helical spring toy that can walk down stairs all on its own
subcategory of fruits, typically small in size
Winner of the 1903 Nobel Prize in Phsyics for developing the theory of radioactivity and the 1911 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her discovery of polonium and radium
(Marie) Curie
Dr. Seuss serves breakfast to Broadway's founding father without a father
green eggs and hamilton
The period of summer when hot, sultry weather is accompanied by stagnation or inactivity
dog days
Often found in bathtime fun, this happy yellow fellow was originally a dog chew toy before floating its way over to the toy market
(rubber) duck
what might be lava in a kid’s game, or also the name of a mathematical function that rounds down numbers to the closest integer
Mathematician who worked closely with Charles Babbage and is considered the "mother" of coding
(Ada) Lovelace
last fruit of the spirit keeps you from hitting a combination of keys on your friend’s computer to turn it off
self control alt delete
Strenuous, wearisome, and usually competitive activity or rush
rat race
only reached for when indecisive, this billiard has a mystical trait that will help with your yes/no dilemma
magic 8 ball
a mark that denotes the emphasis or stress placed on a musical note
Biochemist most well known for her work with CRISPR gene editing who won the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry
(Jennifer) Doudna
a Shakespearean tragedy about the classic sandwich offered by a fast food chain known for its golden arches
big macbeth
Judicial proceedings in which the principles of law and justice are disregarded or perverted
kangaroo court
around the world, rock the cradle, and walk the dog might be the first few tricks you learn on this gyroscopic toy
this kind of storage disk held up to 1.44 MB of data and is forever remembered by the save icon on almost any software
One of the African American NASA mathematicians featured in the movie Hidden Figures, whose calculations of orbital mechanics were critical to the first manned US spaceflights
(Katherine) Johnson
Spielberg's DNA-cloned dinosaurs take up residence in Monopoly's second-most-expensive property
jurassic park place
Negotiation accompanied by shrewd bargaining and reciprocal concessions
horse trade
a hamster or owl-looking creature from 1998 that was meant to be a "domestically aimed robot". it comes packaged with its own language but learns english as you play with it
commonly used abbreviation for Purdue residence hall located on 3rd Street
Particle and experimental physicist who proved that parity is not conserved and contributed to the Manhattan Project
(Chien-Shiung) Wu