It is ok to request after the deadline dates
What is yes, but you are not guaranteed to get to have them off
Adding an in and/or out clocking
What is only if you forgot to use badge reader
What is adding a calendar for nonproductive pay codes
Responsible for signing off time card
Who is the staff
New Educators for CSU
Who is Christina Chapman and Amy Smith
Who should make sure we have copies of school schedules
Anyone prior to schedule opening
The comment section under clocking
What is where we add why we did not use the badge reader
Red Calendar with the pay codes of UNPDF on your time card screen
What is added when you are not scheduled to your FTE
PTO Fill is ok to use instead of making sure you have PTO or HRSON
What is no, you must put in PTO/HRSON
Day Shift ANM and Night Shift ANM
Who is Shannon Wilson and Chelsea Morris
When self-schedule opens staff schedules are set and will not be move
What is no, self-scheduling is a dream schedule only and is not set until we publish
Department 3391161
What is the sitter department
Hours only can only be used
When is when you are placed on available pay or canceled for your regular shift only
Every other Monday by 1000
When you must sign off your time card
Manager of CSU
Who is Curt Willis
You should save each week when doing self schedule
What is yes, do not validate
Department 3431161
What is the nurse orientation department
Adding Education as a calendar
What is no, you must add an in and out clocking
Excessive adding of clocking's
What is viewed as a tardy
Problems with behaviors or clinical concerns are reported too
ANMs and Manager
Educator if it is an education or orientation concern
RNs--Bucket scheduling
What is schedule into the specialty units first, then add regular bucket
Special Codes
What is codes added for charge, preceptor, orientation, etc.
When placed on Available pay for a regular Shift
Must add 2 calendars
AVPAY (receive your $3 an hour)
Any exception must be addressed prior to sign off
What is by employee by the end of pay period
Responsible for TASS related issue
Who is the Admin Specialist (Kitty)