What is one activity near campus
Bowling, hiking trails, restaurants, rock climbing
Someone who helps you plan your classes
Academic Advisor
The CSUSM Mascot
Crash the Cougar
The number of dorm facilities we have
Bonus 100: 4th is being built now
What does guaranteed admission mean
If you complete all requirements you will automatically get into CSUSM
Guaranteed admission GPA
2.5 and above
Name two NCAA sports teams we have here
Men’s Basketball
Women’s Basketball
Men’s Cross Country
Men’s Golf
Women’s Golf
Men’s Soccer
Women’s Soccer
Men’s Track & Field
Women’s Track & Field
Women’s Volleyball
You do this to get into the sports games
Use your ID/free for CSUSM students
The name of the class requirements you need to receive guaranteed admission
A-G requirements
Money for school that does not need to be paid back
Scholarship or grant
How many bachelor's degree programs do we have here
What our students say the SM in CSUSM stands for
Stair Master since we have so many stairs
The most popular place students go on weekends
The beach
Something students fill out to receive financial aid for college
What are the A-G Requirements
Classes you take in high school to be able to apply for any college. Including CSUSM
Total Number of Undergraduate Students enrolled
One big event on campus hosted by ASI
Festival 78
Nursing School GPA
This person is usually at games and is always showing their pride, but you can't find them during class hours
Crash the Cougar
The B requirement in the A-G requirements
Bonus: How many years are required
Bonus 100: 4 years