Vocabulary Context Clues
Reading Strategies and Need to Know
Figurative Language
Reading Comprehension

As the storm clouds gathered, Sarah felt a sense of trepidation. She had always feared thunderstorms, and the loud rumblings in the distance only intensified her unease.

Question: What is the meaning of the word trepidation as used in the passage?

a. enjoyment or excitement

b. anger and rage

c. profound sadness

d. fear or anxiety

d. fear or anxiety


What is it called when you compare and contrast two characters from a story?

compare and constrast


Identify the figurative language: The sun smiled down on us as we walked through the park.



Floods can cause tremendous damage.  They can ruin houses, roads and buildings. Floods can take down trees and cause mudslides. It often leaves mud, sand and debris behind.  It can take months to clean up after a flood.

What is the main idea?

a. Floods can cause a lot of damage.

b. Floods cause mudslides.

c. Floods damage houses and roads. 

a. Floods can cause a lot of damage.


Sarah's mercurial mood kept everyone on their toes; one moment she was enthusiastic and bubbly, and the next she seemed distant and distracted.

What is the meaning of the word mercurial? 

A) Steady and predictable
B) Quick to change and unpredictable
C) Calm and relaxed
D) Slow and deliberate

B) Quick to change and unpredictable


Despite her effervescent personality, Miranda sometimes felt a twinge of melancholy when she returned home. The laughter of her friends lingered in her mind, contrasting sharply with the silence that greeted her.

Question: What does "melancholy" suggest about Miranda's feelings?
a) Joyful and content
b) Sad and reflective
c) Angry and frustrated
d) Indifferent and apathetic

b) Sad and reflective


To make a guess on what the author means

What is an inference?


“Her eyes were as bright as the sun on a hot summer day.” is an example of what type of figurative language?



Soccer is known in some countries as football. It is a popular sport across the world, with over 200 countries playing the sport. It is estimated that over 250 million people, both men and women, play soccer. The sport has been part of the Olympic games from 1900 to 1928 and from 1936 to today.

What is the main idea?

a. Soccer is important at the Olympics.

b. Soccer is a worldwide sport.

c. Soccer is also called football.

d. Soccer is played by men and women.

b. Soccer is a worldwide sport.


       One afternoon Persephone was wandering with Artemis and Athena in the meadows gathering flowers for Demeter. She moved happily through the grass, picking fragrant blooms. Wafting on the gentle breeze, the most exquisite perfume caught her attention. “I must have this for my mother,” she thought and followed the delicious scent as it led her away from her friends. Then she espied the narcissus and stooped to savour its perfume in full.  
     Unbeknown to Persephone, Hades, mighty ruler of the Underworld, had spied her on one of his trips to the world above. He was dazzled by her beauty, her elegance and her charm. He decided that he must have her as his wife. Knowing that Demeter would never agree to her daughter living with him in his gloomy world of the dead, he decided to visit his brother, Zeus, to discuss the matter. Surprisingly, the great god Zeus agreed to Hades’ plan, to abduct the young woman and take her to his realm.

According to the passage above what does unbeknown most likely mean?

a. No knowledge of

b. Plenty of knowledge of

c. Dazzled by

d. Aware of 

a. No knowledge of


As the detective examined the crime scene, he noticed a dichotomy in the evidence that suggested foul play. The pieces didn’t quite fit together, raising his suspicions further.

Question: What does "dichotomy" imply about the evidence?
a) Harmony and consistency
b) Discrepancy and mismatch
c) Clarity and logic
d) Relevance and importance

b) Discrepancy and mismatch

It means a division or separation.


The reason behind an author writing a piece of literature or prose

What is the author's purpose?


I’m so hungry I could eat an entire family and their children!



Weather reporters have to give out a lot of information. That's why they use pictures. The pictures help them tell us about the weather without using so many words. Weather reporters need to know where the cold air is. They need to know where the warm air is. They have to know where it is raining and what types of clouds are in the area. Their reports need to be correct, but they also need to be short. The pictures help weather reporters get the information out in a fast way.

Which sentence best describes the main idea of the paragraph?

a. Weather reporters need to know where the cold air is

b. Pictures help weather reporters get information out in a fast way

c. Their reports need to be correct, but they also need to be short

d. They have to know where it is raining and what types of clouds are in the area

b. Pictures help weather reporters get information out in a fast way


Why is it important to consider the author's perspective when reading a text?

a. Considering the author's perspective leads to misinterpretation of the text

b. The author's perspective is always accurate and unbiased

c. It helps in understanding the context, biases, and intentions behind the text.

d. It doesn't matter, the author's perspective is irrelevant

c. It helps in understanding the context, biases, and intentions behind the text.


The politician’s speech was filled with grandiloquent phrases that dazzled the audience but obscured his actual intentions. Many left the event unsure of what he truly stood for.

Question: What does "grandiloquent" mean in this context?

a) Straightforward and honest

b) Overly elaborate and pompous

c) Humble and modest

d) Simple and unpretentious

b) Overly elaborate and pompous


What is it called when you the author conveys a theme through symbols or objects?

What is symbolism?


Identify the figurative language: The sizzle of bacon on the griddle is music to my ears.

What is onomatopoeia?


During a baseball game, Tanner tried to tag a player leaving first base. When the umpire called the player out, Tanner immediately informed the umpire that he in fact did not tag the runner. Two weeks later, the very same umpire was at another one of Tanner’s baseball games. Tanner was playing short stop and tagged a runner as they approached third base. When the umpire called the player safe, Tanner didn’t say a word, but the umpire noticed the surprised look on Tanner’s face. “Did you tag the runner?” she asked Tanner. When Tanner told her that he did tag the runner, the umpire changed her decision and called the player out. The coaches and parents were furious, but the umpire stood by her decision.

What is the theme?

a. You should cheat to win.

b. Always work hard.

c. It pays to be honest.

d. Teamwork is best.

c. It pays to be honest.


Which citation is formatted correctly?

a. "...its economy is failing." (NY Times 7).

b. "...its economy is failing" (NY Times 7).

c. "...its economy is failing. (NY Times page 7)"

d. "...its economy is failing" (NY Times 7)

b. "...its economy is failing" (NY Times 7).


His penchant for obfuscation during meetings frustrated his colleagues, who preferred transparency and directness. The layers of ambiguity he introduced made even simple decisions convoluted.

Question: What does "obfuscation" imply about his communication style?
a) Clarity and straightforwardness
b) Confusion and lack of clarity
c) Honesty and transparency
d) Simplicity and ease

b) Confusion and lack of clarity


It is the moral, message, or lesson of the story. 



As the sun dipped below the horizon, the sky transformed into a canvas of fiery oranges and deep purples, while the gentle waves lapped at the shore, the gentle flowing of the sea to the soft, golden sand.

What type of figurative language is this?



Dolphins are very smart animals.  They even have their own language.   They talk to each other with clicks, whistles, and grunts.  Scientists have been studying this dolphin language.  They hope that in the future, people and dolphins will be able to talk to each other. 

This paragraph mainly tells:

a. how dolphins talk to people

b. how intelligent dolphins are 

c. how dolpins are different from fish in language

d. which scientists are studying languages

b. how intelligent dolphins are 


When is Coach Whitehead's Birthday Date???

Sept. 28th