Irregularity or not?
Accommodations Quandaries
TIDE & TestHound and Other
What would you do?
Session IDs: Back to the Basics

A student is using a bilingual word-to-word dictionary on a STAAR Science Test.

No irregularity


A student with the colored overlay accommodation isn’t testing with a colored screen.

This is a student selected setting. If they do not select it in the test settings, then it will not appear. They can access this at any time. 


Your testhound report is blank. 

Students have not been added to rooms for this assessment. 


A proctor calls out on the morning of the test. What do you do?

Stay calm and pull one of your extra trained staff members to proctor that room. 


 When creating test sessions, the CTC notices there are now 3 tabs at the top of the screen: yellow, pink, and green. Which one should the CTC use?



A proctor stops a group of 3rd grade testers for their lunch break and walks them down to the cafeteria. Test tickets and session ID codes are left in the room. 



A student with Oral Admin (Text-To-Speech or Auto Text-to-Speech) says that her test is reading passages to her.

Did you know that Text-to-Speech will read REVISING passages?

(No editing or reading passages). 


A student refuses to remove her earbuds before the test begins.

The student cannot test with earbuds in. 


You find out the morning of the test that you have 3 new students who all need this test and they aren't in TIDE. 

Stay calm and schedule them for a make up testing session. Remember to enter them on the form so the assessment team can track them in TIDE. 


 The CTC has set up a test session for students, however, once students login, their screens say they are awaiting approval to join the test. What went wrong?

This test session ID was not set up in the green tab. 


A student exits the test without submitting and their test is now paused. You allow the student to re-enter the assessment the next day to submit. 


Once the student has left the testing session, they cannot re-enter the assessment. 

Exceptions: Going home sick (fever, vomiting, etc.) and emergency safety situations. 


Before a test begins, the room proctor realizes her text-to-speech room was not asked to test their headphones.

Stop the test and contact the CTC. CTC will ensure the accommodations upload was successfully uploaded.


All students are unable to login to their EOC assessment. They get an error of "no test available" What happened?

The CTC did not upload EOC Eligibility for these students from TestHound to TIDE. 

This is for all EOCs and "Above Grade Testers". 


A student who has missed other testing dates is on campus on the last day of the testing window, but they have a sports meet. 

Testing takes priority. 


You are doing make up testing today for reading and science STAAR. One of the students testing today missed both tests. When she logs in, both tests come up as options. What went wrong?

The CTC created one session ID for multiple tests. 


After the test has begun, the proctor realizes that a formula for the math test is on the whiteboard.


It depends whether this formula is provided on the STAAR reference charts, and whether it has any worked problems associated with it. 


After the test begins, a student realizes his test is not reading to him and there are no pop-up bubbles (content and language supports).

If this is caught early (in the first 5 questions), this can be fixed in TIDE. 

After 5 questions, the test cannot be fixed, and the parent will need to be contacted to determined whether the child will be Scored or score code "O". This is an accommodations error. 


You have received new students and want to add them to your assessment in TestHound; however, they are not available to be added. What is wrong?

New students, accommodations, and staff members will not be added unless you accept alerts in TestHound DAILY. 


A student arrives at 11:30am for the STAAR test. Students are still testing, and you know you will have several the continue after lunch. This student has accommodations and typically uses extra time in the classroom. 

Schedule this student for a make up testing session. Students arriving this last in the testing day should be schedule for a make up sessions so they have the full school day to test. 


A student cannot login to the test. The session ID is: 


(This is a fake session ID for the game)

What are some potential issues?

Typing the 0 or the D as an "O". 


A student gets to the last question on her test and does not submit, but instead closes her chromebook and raises her hand to let the proctor know she is finished. 


Is this an isolated incident? Is the proctor actively monitoring, if so, then no. 

If 20 out of 30 of this proctor's students do this and it is found they were not actively monitoring, then yes, this would be an irregularity. 


A student with text-to-speech enabled in TIDE says her test isn’t reading to her.

Text-to-speech does not automatically read to students. This student likely does not know where the button is to make the test read the questions. 


What section in TIDE provides reports to help you monitor completion and lists of students that still need to test?

a. Orange

b. Green

c. Blue


How many students are still testing? - Test Session Status Report

Who still needs to test? Test Status Code Report


At 7:30am on the day of the test, you realize your forgot to upload accommodations for the assessment. 

Stay calm! Staff and students will mirror YOUR emotions. Complete the upload, and proceed with testing. 


A student was identified originally as an 8th grader, but was reclassified as a 7th grader. The student is listed as an 8th grader in TIDE, and on the day of the STAAR test, took the 8th grade Reading STAAR. How did this happen?

The CTC created a session ID for multiple tests, so the student was able to access the 8th grade assessment. This is a procedural irregularity, eligibility error.