Student Organizations
Kitchen Sink
Data Collection

The largest Career and Technical Student Organization in South Carolina.

What is The National FFA (Future Farmers of America) Organization? 


Name two programs that are considered non traditional for males according to Perkins.

What are Administrative Services ,Banking, Cosmetology,  Early Childhood Education, Esthetics, Food Science, Nail Technology, and  Practical Nursing?


A structured training program for high school level students requiring a written contract and training plan between the high school and sponsored worksite. 

 What is a Cooperative Education (Co-Op) ?


A secondary student with an assigned CIP code who has completed at least two identified courses in a state recognized CTE program or program of study.

What is CTE Concentrator?


Inspires and prepares students to become community-mined business leaders in a global society through relevant career preparation and leadership experiences. It is the second largest Career and Technical Student Organization in South Carolina.

What is Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA)?


Groupings of commonalities that provide a vital framework for organizing and delivering quality CTE programs through learning and comprehensive programs of study

What are Career Clusters?


An earn-while-you-learn training model that combines on-the-job training, job related education, and a scalable wage progression.

What is Apprenticeship? 


Time frame required by SC law to survey their CTE completers to determine their placement status with regard to employment, postsecondary education, or military service

What is ten months after graduation?


In South Carolina, this organization is dedicated to providing learning experiences for those students who have interest in the health occupations.

What is Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA)? 


South Carolina's largest annual professional development event for the state's Career and Technology educators and administrators

What is EBS (Education Business Summit)?


A progressive, school-coordinated experience that places students in real workplace environments so that they develop, and practice career-related knowledge and skills needed for a specific level job

What is internship?


A concentrator who has earned all of the required units in a state recognized program.

What is a CTE Completer?


 A national membership association serving high school, college, and middle school students who are preparing for careers in trade, technical, skilled service occupations, including health occupations.

What is Skills USA?


Required to contain a description of the CTE programs to be funded and how the program satisfies the use of federal funds

CTE Local Plan/ Application


A method of short-term, school-coordinated career exploration in which the student is introduced to a particular job role or career by being paired with an employee at the worksite. The student follows the employee for a specified time to better understand and observe work expectations and requirements of a variety of job

What is Job Shadowing?


A secondary student who has completed at least two identified courses in a state recognized CTE program or program of study.

What is a CTE Concentrator? 



Because South Carolinians view the family and nutrition as fundamentals to the survival of the state and nation, this organization supports secondary schools and culinary art institutions.

What is Family, Career and Community Leaders of America, Inc. (FCCLA)? 


An approved certification for all career clusters.

What is OSHA 10?


A method in which the student engages in community-service work for a specified number of hours to gain developmental experience.

What is service learning?

Length of time districts/career centers must survey & maintain student placement data post graduation.

What is three years?