Fall Prevention
Chest Tubes

What is something you should always check at shift change and every time you exit the room?

Bed and chair alarms


What is considered normal urine output? 

Between 0.5mL/kg/hr to 1mL/kg/hr


Name the functions x4

Suction indicator, suction turntable, water chamber, collection chamber


Patient is a diabetic and is found lethargic, diaphoretic, and feeling lightheaded/ dizzy, what do you do FIRST? 

Check blood sugar


Best way to prevent c diff infection?

Wash hands with soap and water or


Can a competent patient refuse fall prevention strategies?

Yes, refusal of action form needs to be signed and put in chart


Who is allowed to place a patient's prima/primofit?

RNs ONLY. Assess every shift


What are three important things to remember when putting a patient with a chest tube back to bed or in the chair? 

Make sure there are no dependent loops in the tubing, it's out of the patient's arm reach, and is connected back to suction (if indicated). 


Patient is alert enough to swallow with a blood sugar of 40. Name 5 important things you are supposed to do

add comment that you notified RN (MD).

document in EPIC RN (MD) notification.

Recheck within 8 mins on SAME meter. 

Give 15 grams of an oral glucose. 

Repeat BG 15 minutes after treatment.


What is the protocol for non-violent restraint application? 

Apply restraints to prevent harm to self and others. Update POC. Page MD for order with exact restraint applied. New order every calendar day. Document every 2 hours continued use of restraints. Fluids/food, hygiene/toileting, skin integrity, ROM, circulation check of the restrained limbs, rights & dignity maintained. Key for locked restraints in Omnicell.


Name three tips to prevent accidental patient falls (3/3)

Room free of clutter (Clear the floor of all lines and tubing)

Non-skid footwear

Ensure easy access to necessary items like the call light, phone, and water.


Patient had a foley removed at 1800, how long do they have to void?

6 hours. 


How do you determine if a patient should be to water seal or suction? 

NA ask RNs

RNs Doctors order ONLY! Page out if order is not updated per assessment or MDs note. 


How often do you continue treatment? 

Continue treatment per protocol for BG <70 OR until alternate treatment orders are obtained from the physician. 


Name two patient safety identifiers that should be used prior to medication administration or specimen collections AND 2 reasons for the importance of barcode scanning

Name and MRN

first, to reliably identify the patient or resident as the person for whom the service or treatment is intended; second, to match the service or treatment to that patient or resident (Joint Commission, National Patient Safety Goals Effective January 2025)


Demonstrate how to save a patient from an assisted fall

30 secs or less


Name at least three signs and symptoms of urinary retention

Palpable Bladder

Bladder pressure “feeling of fullness”

Straining to void

Frequent small voids


You find that your patient's atrium had been tipped over and find drainage in multiple chambers, what do you do as the NA and RN?

NA notify RN

RN change out atrium. 

*BONUS 100 points* RNs explain how this is done.


Patient's blood sugar is >70 after treatment, do you recheck blood glucose? 

Yes, Repeat BG one hour after treatment.


What is the monitoring requirement for blood transfusions? 

15 min after start of transfusion 

Every hour during transfusion

1 hour after transfusion complete


Patient is a female in room 7B05
50 years of age

Hx: DM, CAD, HTN, HLD, falls

Admit dx: SOB 

Vitals: BP 110/85, HR 72, Temp 98.9, O2 98% on 2L, RR 18

Assessment: complaining of pain 9/10 unrelieved by PRNs, no alternatives available. 

Create an SBAR report in 30 seconds or less

Create an SBAR report in 30 seconds or less