Colonial Regions
Final Jeopardy

The 3 G's 

(Reasons for European Exploration)

What is God, Gold, Glory?

God: Religious reasons, Spreading Christianity

Gold: Economic Reasons, Money, Wealth, 

Glory: Political reasons, Expanding empires


This region has a moderate climate, good soil, and focused on farming.

What are the middle colonies?


The significance of the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut.

What is established a representative government?


Rep government is a form of government where people elect representatives to govern. (ex. Pres. Election).


Religious group who landed in Plymouth and created the Mayflower Compact

Who are the Pilgrims?


Final Jeopardy:

This gets exported out of New England and this gets exported out of the Middle colonies.

Think about the economics of each region

results may slightly vary


Economic activities in New England.

What is shipbuilding, fishing, whaling, lumber, etc. ?

Just need 1


The main purpose of slavery in the south.

What is to harvest cash crops?

What is to serve as a free labor force?

Note: What is important to remember about slavery in the south is that they felt as though it was needed because they needed a large enough labor force to harvest/pick their cash crops. Because this labor force was free and now they have enough workers to harvest all the crops, the plantation owners profits increased 


Salutary neglect was an unwritten, unofficial policy of the British government colonies to be left largely on their own with little British interference. This led to what.

What is the growth of representative government?


Established Pennsylvania and believed in religious tolerance.

Who are the Quakers?


The main reasons the Spanish explored the Americas.

What is

to spread the catholic religion/catholic missions?

to expand their empire?


The main cash crops grown in the south.

What is cotton, tobacco, rice, and indigo?


This social contract was an early form of self government.

What is the Mayflower compact?


This religious group relocated to Maryland to escape persecution.

Who are the Catholics?


The primary reasons for French exploration/colonization.

What is to establish fur trading post?


The type of "jobs" slaves "worked" in the north.

What are trade jobs?

Trade Jobs: blacksmith, deckhands, etc.

Note: They were not paid. They were forced to work and saved their owners money because they did not have to pay for labor.


The colonist were far from their mother country (England) which made communication between the colonies and England difficult. This resulted in......

What is the growth of representative government?


The ability for a place to make some of its own decisions and rules, even though it's controlled by another country.

What is Self-Government?

This is a key word on the exam. When you see this word make connections to the founding documents we talked about last week. (House of Burgesses, Mayflower Compact, Fundamental Orders)


The reasons for English Exploration

Think about triangular trade, mercantilism, and the different religious groups that left England

What is the need for raw materials (triangular trade), escape religious persecution (Puritans and Catholics), new markets (mercantilism)?


The natural harbors and rivers of the New England and Middle Colonies contributed to this economic activity

What is trade?

Note: The natural harbors and rivers in the New England and Middle Colonies made it easy for ships to come and go. This helped the colonies trade a lot with other places, sending out things like wood and food and bringing in goods from Europe and the Caribbean. This trade made the colonies richer and helped cities like New York and Boston grow. 


John Locke's ideas about natural rights and the social contract influenced the colonists to develop this.

What is representative government and self-government?


This system involved Europe sending goods to Africa, Africa sending enslaved people to the Americas, and the Americas sending raw materials back to Europe.

What is Triangular Trade?