Narrative/Point of View
Figurative Language
Phrases and Clauses
Central Idea/Textual Evidence
Context Clues

What is a narrative writing?

What is a story


A comparison using "like" or "as"

What is simile.


Which Phrase does "Best friend" represent ?

What is a noun phrase.


What is textual evidence?

What is evidence that supports a claim/statement/argument. 


similar meaning is in the text

Ex: A beaver uses its big front teeth to gnaw trees. These incisors continue to grow as they are worn away.

What is a Synonym..


Universal message of a piece of writing

What is a theme.


Which of the following is an example of a simile?

   a. He had big feet.

   b. His feet were huge dolphins.

   c. His feet were like baby dolphins.

What is His feet were like baby dolphins. 


Which phrase does ". In the bin" represent

What is Prepositional Phrase.


The subject of a text, usually expressed as a single word or phrase in the form of a noun.

What is the Topic.


opposite meanings in the text


  • Unlike animals that hunt during the day, nocturnal hunters must find their way in the darkness.

What is Antonym.


Which Third person point of view is where the narrator reveals  everything and the thoughts of all the characters.

What is a Omniscient?


What is the meaning of this metaphor?

Finding my car keys is finding a needle in a haystack.

a. He's keys are very close to him.

b. He's keys are in the haystack.

c. He's keys are impossible to find.

What is  He's keys are impossible to find. 


Sounds audacious, no doubt, but this is essentially how Europeans, between 1881 and the start of World War I in 1914, decided they would divide Africa into territories they claimed as their own.

What is the prepositional Phrase> 

What is between 1881 and the start of World War I in 1914.


Mia forgot her school binder in her locker if she went to go get it she would get in trouble. She was scared, why was Mia scared?

What is She did not want to get in trouble by her teacher. 


meaning is stated in the sentence

Ex: Chinese junks were sails ships with flat bottoms.

What is Direct Defintion.


Which narrative point of view is shown in the passage?

The circus looks abandoned and empty. But you think perhaps you can smell caramel wafting through the evening breeze, beneath the crisp scent of the autumn leaves. . . . The people around you are growing restless from waiting, a sea of shuffling feet, murmuring about abandoning the endeavor in search of someplace warmer to pass the evening.

What is a second person?


Mora is a walking dictionary." What does this simile say to you?

a. She likes reading dictionaries.

b. She knows a lot of vocabulary.

c. She's a dictionary with legs.

What is she knows a lot of vocabulary.


There was political pressure, particularly in Great Britain, which already had an empire, to expand colonial territories and secure lucrative markets.

What is the dependent clause? 

What is "which already had an empire". 


Here is something fun to try. Lay an egg on its side and try to make it spin. If it is not hard-boiled the shifting liquid inside will make it spin poorly. If it is hardboiled the solid insides will make it spin faster and longer. 

What is the central idea?

What is Having fun spinning a hardboiled egg. 


a group of items in a category

Ex: The animals feed on grasses, leafy plants, shrubs, and other vegetation

What is an example.


Tell me three characteristics of narrative writing.

  1. It tells a story

  2. Can be real or make believe

  3. Has beginning, a middle, and an end.

  4. Has sequential order

  5. Has a setting

  6. Has characters

  7. Has descriptive language

  8. Theme


Give your own example of a metaphor

What is .......


Famous European explorers began to tour Africa, and by the end of the 19th century they had traced the courses of a number of the continent’s rivers, including the Nile.

What phrase is "including the Nile". 

What is adjectival phrase. 


Julia Butterfly Hill lived in a giant Redwood tree for two years to keep it from being cut down. She climbed the tree, which was located in Northern California, on December 10, 1997. Many people helped her by bringing her food and supplies. She did not come down until the logging company promise never to cut the tree down.

What is the central idea?

What is Julia Butterfly Hill lived in a giant Redwood tree for two years to keep it from being cut down. 


Erica was feeling really lethargic on Sunday. She didn’t have any energy left after the amusement park trip

What does lethargic mean? 

What is laziness or lack of energy.