The key to a successful Service project is that it is ____.
What are the five main food groups?
The best way to keep from getting lost is to always have a _______ with you wherever you go.
In winter, is important to wear _______ of clothing.
The first rank in Scouting is:
The first letter of SAFE represents _________ => to be overseen by a qualified and trustworthy adult who sets the example for safety
Scouts should get __ minutes of physical activity each day.
True or False: In Scouting, it’s fine for a Scout to walk somewhere by themself.
True or False: In this week’s cold, uncovered skin can get frostbite in less than 30 minutes.
Name two beaches in the town of Fairfield...
Jennings Beach
Lake Mohegan
Penfield Beach
South Pine Creek Beach
Southport Beach
Sasco Beach
The second letter of SAFE represents ________ => the activities must be evaluated for risk during planning
In addition to physical activity, it is also important to rest. Does gaming count as a relaxing activity?
No, gaming does not allow your mind to rest, and can create elevated levels of stress, leading to breathing and/or cardio concerns.
If you get lost or feel someone may be dangerous, you can call _ _ _.
True or False: You can’t get sunburn in winter.
FALSE: Sun reflecting off snow can cause sunburn - believe it or not, you should wear sunscreen!
Mr. DeSouza is from what country?
The third letter in SAFE represents _______ => validating the participant is physically able to participate in the activity
How much sleep does a Cub Scout need each night?
9 to 12 hours!
If a stranger approaches and will not leave, your first line of defense is S _ _ U T, R _ N, and T_ L _
Name at least one protective element to wear when skiing or snowboarding.
Helmet, gloves, proper ski jacket
Who is credited with founding the town of Fairfield?
Roger Ludlowe. He purchased a large tract of land from the Pequonnock Indians, and the town of Fairfield was born. (Over time, the land divided into several other town including Bridgeport, Redding, Weston, Easton, and Westport.)
The fourth letter of SAFE represents ________ => wearing the proper protective gear on for the course, campsite, etc.
On average, how many steps are there in a 1-mile walk?
2,000 (2,200 for Scouts)
True or False: Calling someone a name repeatedly until they cry can be a form of bullying.
Going on a winter hike requires [more or less] preparation than a summer hike?
If you get these questions right tonight, you will earn your _______.