What is the Cub Scout Motto?
What event, first held in 1953, is where racecars they built on their own, raced down a wooden track?
The Pinewood Derby
What rank are the 2nd graders?
What is our Pack number?
What is the highest rank in Scouts BSA?
Eagle Scout
What are the 2 colors that represent the Cub Scouts
Blue and Gold
What is the banquet held to celebrate the scouting anniversary called?
Blue and Gold Banquet
What grade does Cub Scouting start?
Who is our Cub Master?
Master Sheila
The American flag is always folded into this shape?
A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, _______, courteous, kind, obedient, _______, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.
Friendly & Cheerful
In what year was Cub Scouting formally launched in the United States? 1920, 1930, or 1940?
How many ranks are there in Cub Scouts?
How do we begin all Pack meetings?
Flag Ceremony
The _______ ceremony is when a Cub Scout moves over to Scouts BSA?
How many fingers are held up for the Cub Scout sign?
What book, later made into a Disney movie, was the basis of Scouting?
The Jungle Book
What is the highest rank a Cub Scout can earn?
Arrow of Light
Name three Den leaders?
Sheila, Jake, Rena, Dane
Name 4 of the Cub Scout six essentials for outdoor activities?
Flashlight, Water, Whistle, First-Aid Kit, Sunscreen, Trail Food
If you are not in uniform, how do you salute the flag during the Pledge of Allegiance?
Hand over your heart
What was the founder of Scouting?
Sir Robert Baden ________
Name all of the Cub Scout ranks?
Lions, Tigers, Wolves, Bears, Webelos, AOL
Which Council is our Pack a part of?
Bay-Lakes Council
How many times does the word "To" appear in the Scout Oath