Fill in the blank: To do my duty to god, and my country to help other be and be -------------
Physically or Physically strong
What treat was made in 1927, and is great for camping?
who is our den leader?
Mrs. Tatiana
What is the scout law?
A scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, courteous, kind obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent
What has a head and a tail, and a face but no body
A coin
What does WeBeLos stand for?
We'll be loyal scouts
Why do we not put a areosol can next to fire ( hint: bombs)
The can explodes
What are all the animals in a cub scout pack?
Lions, Wolves, and bears
What is the scout oath?
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
What is full of holes but can still hold water
A sponge
How many fingers are held up in the scout salute?
What stops our tent from geting bugs in it?( besides bug spray its a part of the tent)
During the 2nd pack meeting what did we learn?
manners, and how to be courteous ( either one is fine)
what are cub scouts in 5th grade technically called?
Arrow of light scouts
I went outside in the rain without anything, but my hair didnt get wet how?
I have no hair
What is the Cub scout motto?
Do Your Best
What does leave no trace mean? ( in terms of nature )
It means you leave the things they way they were in nature dont start horrible fires, and litter
Who is leading this den meeting?
T or F this pack has had lions before
F this is the first year lion have been in the pack
what gets wet while drying?
What event is where scouts race cars they build on their own down a wooden track?
Pine Wood Derby
Name a brand of a tent
Coleman, MARMOT, alps, REI, Eureka, NEMO, Big Agnes
What is our pack number? (close your eyes)
Pack 3079
T or F raingutter regata has more ways to move the boat than water
F the Regata has Ballows which are tubes that suck air and blow out air and push the boat.
There is a boat full of people but not one single person on the boat how?
All the people are married on the boat