Revolutionary People

 a cuban revolutionary and one of the few women involved in the Moncada attacks 

 revolutionary movement member and influential in Cuban reform movements 

Who is Haydee Santamaria? 


 the battle that led to the overthrow of Batista’s regime and the revolutions victory 

the end of Batista’s dictatorship

What is The Battle of Santa Clara, December 1958


new political party based on advancing Cuban social reform and nationalism 

opposition to Batista’s dictatorship and imperialist forces  

What is the Authentic Party? 


Batista seized power from President Ramon Grau through a coup 

Consolidated power and combat reforms made by Grau

What is the Batista Counter Revolution (1934)


Cuba mainly produced only sugarcane and only traded with the United States

unemployment, feudal states controlled by US, malnutrition, and illiteracy

What is Monoculture Economy? 


former first lady of Cuba, cuban revolutionary, feminist, and chemical engineer 

founded the Cuban Federation of Women and oversaw its development into a national organization

Who is Vilma Espin? 


Castro wrote a letter to Quevedo and asked him to surrender, initially he did not but when no backup arrived, Quevedo surrendered the morning of the twentieth 

What is The Battle of Jigue, July 1958


Cuban Populist Party 

 In response to government corruption and lack of reforms

What is the Orthodox Party? 


US military occupance ended after Cuba declared independence from Spain in 1898 

Became a republic, US retained right to intervene in Cuban affairs, leased to naval base of Guantanamo Bay

What is Formal independence (1902)


US heavily invested in Cuba’s economy 

US created an economic dependence

What are US Investments? 


a leader in the war for Cuban independence 

advocated for Cuban independence from Spain, Marti’s writing inspired the Cuban independence movement

Who is Jose Marti? 


 the initial battle between Castro’s revolutionary forces and Batista’s enforcements 

showed the strength of the revolutionary forces and citizen support for revolution

What is La Uvero, May 1957


 a communist party in Cuba that merged with the Cuban Communist Party following the Cuban Revolution 

What is the PSP? 


advocated for political reform and opposed Machado’s dictatorship 

upset about US relations and inequality within Cuba

    What are the Radical Students Movements ? (1923// 1927-1933)


redistributed land from large states to farmers and local businesses  

 aimed to reduce land inequality and reduce foreign influence

What is the First Agrarian Reform Act? 


speech given by Castro during trial for Moncada barrack attacks in court 

provided the goals and ideology of the 26 of July Movement

What is the "History will absolve me" speech? 


 Operation ‘Just Cause’, United states invaded Panama and broke amendment 

attempted to protect Cuba’s independence from foreign intervention

What is the Platt Amendment (December 1989)


organisation that represented women in Cuba post the revolution 

promote gender equality, women's rights, and civilian participation in the revolution

What is the Federation of Cuban Women, (FMC)? 


revolutionary movement led by Fidel Castro that overthrew the regime of Fulgenico Batista

What is the 26th July Movement? 


law that controls rent and improves living conditions for urban workers, reducing housing scarcity 

the government wanted to combat housing inequality in rural areas

What is the Urban Reform Act? 


Batista and by extension the US indirectly ruled the republic through figureheads 

Batista grew in influence and power while maintaining the facade of a democratic government

What are Puppet Presidents (1934-40)? 


Journey from Mexico to Cuba to launch guerilla military action against Batista regime

start a revolution against Batista revolution

What is the Granma Expedition? 


 local committees to monitor counter-revolutionary activity

 ensure loyalty and control dissenters

What are the Committees on the Defense of the Revolution? 


trials and executions of Batista's supporters 

to punish the guilty during Batista’s dictatorship and increase revolutionary power

What is "Ordinary Justice"? 


attempt to produce 1o million tons of sugar in a single harvest 

 prove the success of the Cuban Revolution and economic independence, drained resources

What is the Ten Million Harvest?