A dinosaur that ponders grand questions
What is Philosoraptor
The Scorpion
What is Scorpio
Psychic -> Fighting -> ?
What is Dark
What is Canada
July is the month of this well-known red gem
What is Ruby
What is Shoop da Woop
The Crab
What is Cancer
Fire -> Ice -> ?
What is Ground
What is Japan
A beautiful blue gem for September
What is Sapphire
A line from a Tim & Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! sketch, this man whispers what is often used as a video punchline
The Virgin
What is Virgo
Flying -> Grass -> ?
What is Rock
What is Ireland
April has this prized gem for its birthstone
What is Diamond
This meme won't let you down, desert you, make you cry, or hurt you
What is Rick Rolling
The Twins
What is Gemini
Ground -> Electric -> ?
What is Water
What is Germany
Will also accept what is Deutschland
This green gem is for the month of May
What is Emerald
A series of video memes featuring the surprise use of this arabic phrase followed by an explosion and often a song in arabic
What is Allahu Akbar
The Sea Goat
What is Capricorn
Ground -> Poison -> ?
What is Grass
What is Switzerland
Will also accept Confoederatio Helvetica (latin name)
February's purple birthstone
What is Amethyst