the treament for analyphaxis
what is an epipen and breathing support
a fracture where skin is broken or torn through
what is an open fracture
the difference between a infants and adult airway
what is a larger tongue and more anterior airway
this organ produces bile
what is the liver
relavant information in a handoff
what is GCS, vital signs, CC, vascular access, SAMPLE, spice level
COPD patients breath dependant on this gas
a tourniquet is placed this far above a wound
what is 2 inches
the minimum for an SVT diagnosis in an infant
what is 220 bpm
this liver is in these two quadrants
which organ is in the upper right and upper left quadrants
This type of burn effects both the dermis and epidermis
partial thickness
the appropriate BGL range for an adult
what is 70-100mg/dL
an adult can lose this much blood before dying
what is 2 liters
this organs regulates blood pressure
what are the kidneys
this chamber of the heart pumps blood into the left pulmonary artery
what is the right ventricle
A compression fracture that causes the bone to bend or buckle
what is a buckle fracture
the most common cause of cardiac arrest in kids
what is respiratory distress
the ideal splint for a femur fracture
what is a traction splint
the lungs have this many lobes
what is 5 lobes
The pacemaker of the heart
what is the sinoatrial node
at this heart rate you start compressions in pediatric patients
what is 60 bpm
the treatment for carbondioxide poisoning
what is oxygen on a nonrebreather device
the first step for treating a patient with shallow breathing, a large bleed from their leg, and an a broken arm
what is checking scene safety
what does magnesium do in the body
the location of the wenis
where is the elbow
which bone is fully developed when you are born
what is the stapes