this expensive burger place is known for giving a large abundance of fries.
Five Guys
This video game console released in 2006 pioneered the use of motion controls in its gameplay
Nintendo Wii
what is anthony's main username
what is Anthonysuber
Who is the king of the costco chicken bake?
Big justice
lollipops or jawbreakers, for example
What is candy?
This fast-food chain is beloved by primarily Filipinos
This spooky 2001 GameCube game got a reboot for Nintendo Switch in 2019
what is Luigi's Mansion
the game Anthony has the most hours in (on steam)
this popular meme had the Alan Walker background music of "we live, we love, we lie"
Smurf Cat
to annul or invalidate
What is to cancel?
flying duchman
EPIC Games created this game engine that is used by other game creators.
Unreal Engine
the amount of money I've spent on league of legends
(within a $99 range)
what is $500
Stories from this platform are usually shown on TikTok; Can be filled with explicit content
what is Reddit?
barely sufficient
What is “scant”?
What fast food place had the "Where's the Beef?" lawsuit that accused them of using only 35% real beef in its food?
taco bell
Daily Double!
how many smash bros games are there and what are all their names.
my favorite song
what is "me and your mama"
In a Markiplier video he responds to a kitty meowing by saying "have I not seen you before? ______"
"Ohhh you're so Portuguese."
a pirate, especially one in Tampa
What is a buccaneer?
What is the most popular fast food chain in china?
Hint: its not chinese
Extra Lives
The amount of ex girlfriends i've had
what is 7
what song was the old meme "Door Stuck" guy singing
Drop It Like It's Hot
emitting visible light as a result of being heated
What is “incandescent”?