Flow of Food Storage
Flow of Food receiving
Flow of Food Cooking
Storage B
At what internal temperature should raw meat, poultry and seafood be stored?
a. 41 degrees or lower b. 45 degrees or lower c. 51 degrees or lower d. 55 degrees or lower
peanuts and soy products are dangerous for people with what condition?
a. FAT TOM b. food allergies c. chemical sensitivity d. poor personal hygiene
What is the minimum internal cooking temp for poultry?
a. 135 b. 145 c. 155 d. 165
The three potential hazards to food safety are biological, chemical, and? A. acetyl B. terminal C. procedural D. physical
food should be cooled from 135 degrees to 17 degrees within ___ hours, and then from 70 to 41 within ___ hours? a. 2, 4 b. 3,4 c. 3, 6 d. 4,2
What type of container should be used to transport TCS food from the place of preparation to the place of service?
a. insulated b. oversized c. reflective d. flexible
a package of flour that arrives on the receiving dock with signs of dampness on the bag should be
a.rejected and returned to the supplier b. accepted and placed in dry storage c. dried thoroughly before use d. stored in a cooler at 41 degrees or lower
What is an infrared (laser) thermometer used to measure? a. air temp b. liquid temp c. internal temp d. surface temp
labels on containers of ready to eat food that was prepared on site must include? a. ingredients b. potential allergens c. reheating instructions d. date that the food should be sold
when using a bottom to top shelving order, what determines the best placement of food in a cooler? a.size of food package b. expiration date of food c. order of which food will be cooked d. minimum internal cooking temp of food
d. minimum internal cooking temp of food
when receiving a delivery for food operation, it is important to a. inspect only TCS food b. store it immediately and inspect later c. inspect all food immediately before storing it d. stack delivery neatly and inspect within 12 hours
c. inspect all food immediately before storing it
hot TCS food that has been held below 135 degrees for over 4 hours should be? a. reheated to 165 degrees for 15 seconds b. thrown out immediately c. mixed with other hot food d. eaten within 2 hours
What type of pathogen is hepatitis A? A. virus B. bacteria C. parasite D. fungi
Why should food not be stored in a galvanized container? a. food will spoil quickly b. food will not be stored at the right temp c. acids in the food can leak zinc into other foods d. acids in food can cause the container to rust
Food storage should be rotated in what method? a. periodic order b. FDA rational c. last in, first out d. first in, first out
d. first in, first out
cold TCS food must be received at what internal temperature? a. 32 degrees or lower b. 41 degrees or lower c. 50 degrees or lower d. 55 degrees or lower
b. 41 degrees or lower
What is the minimum internal cooking temperature for TCS food in a microwave? a. 135 b. 145 c. 155 d. 165
What is one factor that affects the growth of microorganisms in food? A. leanness B. density C. ripeness D. acidity
How many days must shell stock identification tags be kept on file from the date the last shellfish was sold or served? a. 30 b. 60 c. 90 d. 120
When using a bottom-to-top shelving order, what determines the best placement of food in a cooler? A. size of food package B. expiration date on the food C. order of which food will be cooked D. minimum internal cooking temp of food
D. minimum internal cooking temp of food
what is the maximum acceptable receiving temp for fresh poultry? a. 35 degrees b. 41 degrees c. 45 degrees d. 50 degrees
b. 41 degrees
What is the right way to measure the temp of fresh meat, poultry, or seafood when it is delivered? a. ice point method b. infrared thermometer on the container c. place the probe on the foods surface and wait for 5 seconds d. insert the thermometer stem or probe into the thickest part of the product
d. insert the thermometer stem or probe into the thickest part of the product
Where is the only place a food-borne virus can reproduce? A. acidic food B. a person's intestines C. food containing protein D. TCS food
you should label all ready to eat TCS food that is prepped in house and held longer than? a. 12 hours b. 24 hours c. 48 hours d. 72 hours