Chapters 1 & 2
Chapters 3 & 4
Chapters 5 & 6
Chapters 7 & 8
Chapters 9 & 10

Food becomes unsafe from purchasing from unapproved sources, time-temperature abuse, cross-contamination, poor cleaning & sanitizing, and....

Poor personal hygiene


A food handler at a restaurant has a sore throat with a fever. What should the manager do?

Tell them to go home


You receive a bunch of canned goods with dirty surfaces. Can you accept them?

Yes, they can be reconditioned through cleaning and sanitizing.


Name one of the HACCP principles

Hazard analysis, CCP identification, establishing critical limits, monitoring procedures, corrective actions, verification procedures, and record-keeping and documentation

What is the first thing you should do when cleaning and sanitizing stationary equipment?

Unplug the equipment


Wheezing and shortness of breath are signs of what?

An allergic reaction


What sign must be posted besides a sink designated for hand-washing?

Sign that says employees must wash their hands before returning to work


Fresh fish arrived on site at an internal temp of 41 F and small ice crystals on the packing, accept or reject this fish? Why?

Reject, ice crystals show signs of time-temperature abuse.


A manager bought steaks raised and sold from private home. Could this cause a food-borne illness?

The steaks aren't from an approved source, that is a risk that could cause a food-borne illness.


Interior requirements for floors, walls, and ceilings for a safe operation include..

Smooth and durable


What are the 3 categories/hazards of contamination for food?

Biological, chemical, and physical

What should always be worn when handling ready-to-eat food?

Single-use gloves


The term to describe the process of food from receiving and storage through serving.

The flow of food

Utensils used for serving mashed potatoes or ice cream must be stored....

Under running water or in a container of water maintained at 135 F or higher


What temperature should the water be for manual dishwashing?

At least 110 F


The 3 groups of the population who are high risk for food-borne illnesses

Elderly people, preschool-age children, and people with compromised immune systems


Name 3 ways to prevent cross-contamination 

Color-coded cutting boards, buying prepared food, cleaning the prep area properly, keep poultry on the bottom and cooked/ready-to-eat on the top, etc. 


Minimal internal cooking temperature for fruits that will be held for hot service

135 F (57 C)


Name 4-5 steps of active managerial control

Identify risks, monitoring, corrective action, management oversight, training, and re-evaluation


What is the best method for preventing backflow?

An air gap


Name the 5 pathogens that are found in the feces of the person infected

Norovirus, Salmonella Typhi, Shigella spp., Hepatitis A, and E. coli


Name all 4 of the types of probes for thermometers in the kitchen

Immersion, Surface, Penetration, and Air probe


Commercially processed and packaged ready-to-eat food should be reheated to at least what temperature?

135 F (57 C)

Hot food can be held without temperature control if what 3 qualifications are meet?

Held at 135 F or higher beforehand, has label specifying when it must be discarded, and it is sold, served, or thrown out within 4 hours


It is okay to rinse items after sanitizing them?

Never rinse items after sanitizing, this could contaminate their surfaces.