This cult is led by Sun Myung Moon, who believes he was chosen by God to be the absolute ruler of heaven and earth.

 What is Moonies 


A small religious group that is not part of a larger and more accepted religion and that has beliefs regarded by many people as extreme or dangerous.

What is a cult?


Why should cults be studied?

What is... it is important to understand how cults manipulate people into believing what they believe. Also so that victim's of cults can find the support they need. 


What cult does this picture best represent? 

What is Moonies? 

The cult was a different belief system based through christianity they did a lot of mass weddings mainly in Pusan, South Korea where the leader Sun Myung Moon ran the Unification Church.  


crime, family disruption, mental health issues, isolation, identity change, behavior modifications, and more are examples of…

what are societal impacts


This cult believed in the second coming of Christ, as they prepared for this, the leader stockpiled weapons, and they are most famously known for their siege in Waco, Texas.

What is Branch Davidians


1. To make someone believe something by repeatedly telling them that it is true and preventing other information from reaching them. 

2. To get someone to join something.

1. What is brainwashing? 

2. What does recruitment mean?


Definition of cults

What is... a great devotion to a person, idea, object, movement, or film


What cult does this picture best represent?  

What is Heaven's Gate. 

Heaven's Gate was a belief system that thought there was going to be a ship/extraterrestrial spacecraft hiding behind the Hale-Bopp Comet and it would come down to Earth and bring the members up to heaven. 


Attracting and manipulating people into joining and setting a power imbalance between them and the followers.

What is a charismatic leader and what influence do they have on cults?


Led by Jim Jones, this cult is most famously known for the mass murder-suicide of over 900 members. Their goal was to create a society free of class and race issues.

What is People Temple


1. A belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group. 

2. To teach (someone) to fully accept the ideas, opinions, and beliefs of a particular group and to not consider other ideas, opinions, and beliefs.

1. What is a doctrine?

2. What is indoctrination?


Traits of cults and common misconceptions. 

What is... seclusion, exploitation, 0 tolerence for questioning, and dishonoring family members. (traits)

What is... only crazy people join cults, all cults are dangerous, and all cults have secret rituals. (misconceptions)


What cult does this picture represent? 

What is Peoples Temple. 

Peoples Temple was based around the idea of everyone being equal. It attracted a lot of young people that considered themselves socialists. 


beliefs- most cults share the belief that the outside world is evil, or that they are being called to a higher power. 

practices- isolation, mind control, believing and devoting all their time and energy into one certain thing or person.

what is beliefs and practices


This cult is mainly known for the mass suicide of their members after being told that suicide would free them from their bodily “containers” and enter an alien spacecraft hiding behind the Hale-Bopp comet.

What is Heaven's Gate


1. A leader who uses his or her communication skills, persuasiveness, and charm to influence others. 

2. Relating to the total destruction of something, especially of the world.

1. What is a charismatic leader?

2. What does apocalyptic mean?


Effects cults have on society

What is... anyone who lives near a cult could be affected by them breaking the law (murder, child abuse, and any criminal activity). Society could also be affected by anyone who was in a cult and escaped and now does not know how to function in normal society. 


What cult does this picture best represent? 

What is Branch Davidians.

They believed in the second coming of Christ. That he would return to Earth and they would be his servants.  


isolation, indoctrination, punishment, fear, authoritarianism, loyalty, identity, and behavior are traits of...

what is group dynamics 


The reason people join cults is to have a sense of belonging and that they are doing something meaningful with their life. Cult leaders persuade them because of this very reason. They make them think they are doing something bigger than themself when really its usually for the leaders gain and not the individuals. This explains the...

What is the phycology of the member and cult?