Bilingual Education Law
Pivotal Court Cases
US History & Bilingual Education
Bilingual Education Programs
Current Trends
In 1839, this state became the first to enact a bilingual education law.
What is Ohio?
This important 1954 court case called for the desegregation of schools in American and established equal opportunities in education for all students.
What is Brown v. Board of Education?
For this to occur, students require motivation to learn the target language, an educator who can speak the target language well, and a social setting to bring learners and target language speakers together.
What is bilingualism?
In 1968, as a result of this movement, The Bilingual Education Act or Title VII was passed into Federal Law.
What is the civil rights movement?
In 1974, this Supreme Court case determined equal educational opportunity cannot be offered if English-speaking and non-English-speaking students receive equal supports in the classroom.
What is Lau v. Nichols?
During the 19th century, many states passed laws to allow bilingual education in schools due to the formation of strong immigrant communities. What language was prevalent in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Nebraska, Colorado, and Oregon?
What is German?
In schools, this program provides ESL instruction to students in English, with a small block of time allocated for instruction in a student's native language each day.
What is partial immersion programs.
In 1994, California passed this ballot initiative to restrict the educational services offered to immigrants, such as the elimination of bilingual programs.
What is Proposition 187?
In 1973, this Supreme Court case corrected the unofficial segregation that existed in Denver due to a violation of the Equal Protection Clause.
What is Keyes v. School District No. 1, Denver?
Despite increased immigration, many language groups have diminished in population due to a decrease in migrant flows into the United States and this other factor.
What is aging populations?
According to research, discontinuing education and cognitive development in this area limits success in second language acquisition.
What is first language (L1)?
In 2007, over 30% of the population spoke a language other than English at home in California, New Mexico, and this other state.
What is Texas?
In the early 1900s, this piece of legislation required immigrants to speak English in order to become U.S. citizens.
What is the Naturalization Act of 1906?
In 1923, Nebraska revised a 1919 law that restricted foreign-language education after what U.S. Supreme Court case?
What is Meyer v. Nebraska?
This act was the first federal language legislation ever passed in the United States.
What is the 1906 Naturalization Act?
In this program, speakers of both languages are in the same bilingual classroom to learn each other's languages and complete classwork in both languages.
What is two-way immersion programs?
In 1958, this act was created to improve foreign-language education in the United States, such as by awarding foreign-language teachers with fellowships.
What is the National Defense Education Act?
In 1981, this court case resulted in the creation of guidelines for determining if school programs were appropriately serving language-minority students.
What is Castaneda v. Pickard?