Literary Elements
Novels and Authors
Short Answer Response
Essay Organization
Wild Card
Man vs. Man, man vs. Self, Man vs. Society and Man vs. Nature are examples of what literary element?
What is conflict?
This novel is about a Native American boy who breaks the norm and decides to go to a "white" school instead of staying on a reservation.
What is The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian?
The two short responses included on your exam.
What is controlling idea and literary element?
The best way to provide specific evidence from the passage?
What is use a quote from the passage that supports what you are writing?
The number of paragraphs needed in the critical lens essay.
What is four, the Introduction, Body Paragraph 1, Body Paragraph 2, Conclusion?
The main idea or message the writer wants to texpress to the reader is what literary element?
What is theme?
The author of The Pearl
Who is John Steinbeck?
Step one of writing your literary element paragraph
What is choose ONE passage that has a strong example of a literary element.
The number of books you need to write about on your critical lens?
What is two?
The main conflicts in La Linea.
What are they were robbed, they almost died crossing the desert, the Mata Gente, making the choice to continue on and leave Javier in the desert?
What is the definition of characterization?
Characterization is the physical appearance, actions, ideas and motives of a character in literature.
The author of Antigone
Who is Sophocles?
In the controlling idea passage - what is the difference between the topic and the controlling idea?
What is the topic is what the two passages are about. The controlling idea is the common or linking idea between the two passages given.
The meaning of the acronym REAL.
What is R- Rewrite E- Explain A-Agree or Disagree L-Literature
How is Antigone characterized in the drama Antigone?
As a determined young woman who values her family and doing what she believes in more than following civil laws and even her own life.
The three most commonly used literary elements in the critical lens essay.
What are theme, characterization and conflict?
Name two novels and their authors from 9th grade.
Lord of the Flies by William Golding The Big Wave by Pearl S. Buck A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare Tears of a Tiger by Sharon Draper Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson
The first step in writing a literary element response (question 27).
What is pick one passage that you feel has a strong example of a literary element?
What information should be included in the conclusion of the critical lens essay?
Explain the quote in your own words. Summarize why it connected to the two pieces of literature. Include an interesting thought such as how it connects in real life.
Three things you can do if you are stuck on a multiple choice question.
What are look back at the passage, try to eliminate wrong answers, if you still don’t know – take an educated guess!
The difference between mood and tone.
What is mood is the feeling that the reader feels as he/she is reading and tone is the authors attitude towards his or her topic?
Summarize the novel The Catcher in the Rye
fifth school he is kicked out of for his grades. He is not ready to go home and face his parents before the Christmas holiday so he spends his time wandering around NYC trying to figure out life. We find out through his journey that he has lost his brother Allie to cancer and continues to have a difficult time accepting this loss. During the story, Holden visits his sister Phoebe, talks with nuns at a sandwich shop, has drinks with an old classmate, invites a prostitute to his hotel room, goes on a date with an on-again, off-again girlfriend, dances with some women in a bar and visits with an old professor, all in the name of trying to find himself, happiness, meaning to life and companionship. Holden tells the story from some undisclosed location although we can assume that he is in a mental hospital.
Define the following examples of figurative language: imagery, simile and metaphor.
What is... A simile uses the words “like” or “as” to compare one object or idea with another to suggest they are alike. Metaphor: A Metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things without the use of “like” or “as”. Imagery: Using the senses of sight, touch, sound, smell and taste to create vivid pictures. ?
In the critical lens essay what needs to be included in each body paragraph?
Introduce the book and tell what the book is about in 1-2 sentences Give examples or supporting evidence of how the book connects to the quote. Give specific details. Include how the literary element supports the quote and book.
Interpret the quote, “Experience is not what happens to you. It is what you do with what happens to you.”- Aldous Huxley What is one novel you would use and why?
What is ...