What is the typical italian meal ?
What is the capital of Philippines ?
Casa de Papel
What is currently the most popular spanish tv show ?
Who lost the 2018 World Cup's Final ?
What does replace knives and forks in Asia ?
Dalaï Lama
Who is the most peaceful man on Earth ?
Titicaca Lake
What's the name of the highest lake in the world ?
Will Smith
Who is the Prince of Bel-Air ?
Where will the next World Cup take place ?
Papa Ciccio
What is the italian meal that Clemence won ?
Who is the boss of La Petite Pause ?
Where did the Final take place ?
Who is the most popular inspector in Germany ?
37 kilometers/hours
What was the speed of Kylian Mbappé ?
250g flour
4 eggs
450ml milk
2 ts sugar
50g butter
What is the recipe of french crêpe ?
1,32 meters
What's the height of Mimi Mathy ?
8 848 meters
What's the height of the Everest ?
What's the name of the highschool's basket team on One Tree Hill ?
Who is the coach who has the least number of tooth ?
The most popular german meal in the world
What is the hamburger ?
She left and never said where
What did Agnès Weber do ?
How many states compose the USA ?
Central Perk
What's the name of the cafe restaurant in Friends ?
23 gold medals
How many gold medals Michael Phelphs did won ?