Bhagavad Gita
Arati Paraphernalia

A) What is the meaning of "Sakha"?

B) What is the meaning of “Rahasyam”?

Sakha:A Friend

Rahasyam: Secret


Sing a kirtan which has Govindha, Gopala, Madhava and Krishna Chandra.

Radhey Radhey Govindha, Govindha Govindha Radhey

Radhey Radhey Gopala, Gopala Gopala Radhey

Radhey Radhey Madhava,Madhava Madhava Radhey

Radhey Radhey Krishna Chandra,Krishna Chandra Radhey


What is the difference between our Birth and Krishna’s Birth?

  • Krishna has yellow dress and jewellery when he was born
  • Krishna have 4 hands when he was born
  • Krishna wore peacock feather when he was born
  • Krishna was smiling when he was born
  • Krishna is in blue colour

What is a Chamara and how is it used to serve the lord?

Chamara is a Fan, it is used for Fanning the Lord.


Which Shloka have the Sanskrit words:

1. Prapadyante

2. Māyām

3. Daivī

Bg. 7.14

daivī hy eṣā guṇa-mayī
mama māyā duratyayā
mām eva ye prapadyante
māyām etāṁ taranti te


Sing kirtan for Jaganath, Baladev and Subadhra.

Jai Jaganatha Jai Jaganath,Jai Jaganath Swamy Jai Jaganath

Jaya Baladeva,Jaya Subadhra,Jaya Baladeva Jaya Subadhra

Jaganatha Swamy Nayana Pathagami

Nayana Pathagami Bavathume


Who is the small boy in the picture and are snakes hurting him?

He is Prahlad Maharaj, Snakes are trying to hurt him, But nothing could harm him because he was continuously singing "Narayana", "Narayana"


Identify what is Vinjarama? How is it used in lords service?

Vinjamara is a peacock fan, it is used for Fanning the Lord.


What is the meaning of the Shloka

śrī-bhagavān uvāca
idaṁ tu te guhya-tamaṁ
pravakṣyāmy anasūyave
jñānaṁ vijñāna-sahitaṁ
yaj jñātvā mokṣyase ’śubhāt 

Krishna Says to Arjuna "Oh my dear Arjuna, I am telling this secret knowledge to you so that you can be free from all the problems"


Listen to the music and sing the Kirtan.

Brahmam okate... para brahmam okate (3 times)

thandana na ahi thandana na pure

thandanaana bhala thandanaana

thandanaana bhala thandanaana


1. Who is the boy in the Picture and What is he doing?

2.Who are the two persons in the picture and what are they doing?

1. Dhruva Maharaj is doing thapas.

2. Lord Vishnu is blessing Dhruva Maharaj


What is a Shanka. How is it used to serve the Lord?

Shanka is used to do Abhishekam to the lord.


Teacher does the Actions and the Children would identify the Shloka. 

Bg. 8.21

avyakto ’kṣara ity uktas
tam āhuḥ paramāṁ gatim
yaṁ prāpya na nivartante
tad dhāma paramaṁ mama 


Listen to Kirtan and sing from the Beginning.

Namas te narasiḿhāya
Hiraṇyakaśipor vakṣaḥ-


Who are present in the Picture and What are they doing?

Lord Narasimha Dev is blessing Prahalad Maharaj.


What is a Vastra? How is it useful in the service of the Lord?

Vastra is the Cloth that is used to clean the body of the Lord.