Complexity and Difficulty of a Task
Learning Style
Learning Strategies

Sketching, Drawing, Singing, Hands-on Activities, One-on-One Discussions (Figure 4.1)

What activities are cognitively undemanding and context-embedded?


one of the four dimensions of the CLD student biography including what a student knows, how they make sense of new information, and how they apply learning in personally meaningful ways (p 40)

What is the cognitive dimension?


refers to how a student consistently approaches problem-solving situations and demonstrates what he or she has learned, knows, or can do. (p 46)

What are learning styles?


conscious mental and behavioral procedures that people engage in with the aim to gain control of their learning (Ortega 2009 p48)

What are learning strategies?


Response, Estimation (Figure 4.1)

What activities are cognitively undemanding, and context reduced?


learning theory that focuses solely on observed student behaviors and which reflect the belief that learning is merely the acquisition of new behaviors in response to environmental stimuli and rewards (pg 41)

What are behaviorist theories?


Cognition (how one gains knowledge), Conceptualization (how one forms ideas), Affect (how one forms values), Behvaior (how one acts) (Guild and Garger 1985 p46)

What does a teacher observe to determine a student's learning style?


preview, skim, gist, plan what to do, scan, listen or read selectively, plan study environment, think while listening reading writing or speaking, keep a learning log, reflect on what you learned (Figure 4.6)

What are examples of Metacognitive learning strategies?


Simulations and How-To examples, Science Experiments, Reading a map, Reenactments (Figure 4.1)

What kind of activities are cognitively demanding and context-embedded?


learning theories that emphasize both the automatic and the controlled cognitive operations that students use as they process knowledge during learning (pg 41)

What are information processing theories?


preferred sensory stimulation for receiving, processing, and transmitting information (Figure 4.5)

What is the perceptual dimension of learning styles?


use reference materials, classify, graphic organizers, note taking, summarizing, visualization, make inferences (Figure 4.6)

What are Cognitive learning strategies?


Standardized assessments, Reading a textbook, Learning via lecture, Writing an essay (Figure 4.1)

What kind of activities are cognitively demanding and context-reduced?


language theories that emphasize a student's cognitive efforts to make sense of the linguistic environment in which they interact, and the intertwined nature of language knowledge development and language use. (p 42)

What are emergentist theories?


preferred structural arrangements for work and study space (Figure 4.5)

What is the organizational dimension of learning styles?


asking questions, cooperation, collaboration, positive self-talk (Figure 4.6)

What are social learning strategies?


Establishing level of thought versus determining amount of effort required (Sousa 2011 p44)

What is the difference between Complexity and Difficulty?


evolved from the prism model, this concept accounts for the challenges and processes associated with each of the four dimensions of CLD students. (p 19)

What is the CLD student biography?


preferred incentives or stimulations that evoke learning (Figure 4.5)

What is the motivational dimension of learning styles?


student motivation to learn target language, the particular learning task, cultural appropriateness of various strategies, student's ability to make sense of how a stategy supports their learning (p 51)

What are factors that influence a student's usage of learning strategies?