"Ew!" The girl said. "They eat snails in France?! That's disgusting! I would never!"
Whether it was intentional or not, the girl was being ____________.
True or False: All landscape is a cultural landscape
English is in the ________ language branch, but has ________ roots.
Germanic, Romantic
Language branches and families are both a collection of languages through common ancestry, but which one was before pre-recorded history?
Language family
Memes and trending songs are both examples of ___ _______.
Pop culture
The idea that cultures can be separate and still coexist is called ______________.
Cultural landscape is the natural landscape that has been modified by humans to reflect their culture and beliefs. Is this environmental determinism or possibilism?
Environmental possibilism
English, as well as other languages such as French, Spanish, and Arabic, are all known as a ______ ______.
Lingua Franca
After Indo-European, which language family has the most amount of speakers?
Would the bride's first dance with her father at her wedding be an artifact, menifact, or sociofact?
What is the main difference between ethnocentricism and cultural relativism?
Whether you look through their viewpoint or your own
(answers may vary)
This picture of Stonehenge in England shows evidence of _______ ________.
Sequent Occupancy
Which two countries invaded England and had the greatest impact on the English language?
Normandy, France and Germany
More than __% of the world's population use a language that is apart of the seven major language families.
Showing empathy for other cultures and seeing their ways through their cultural context is evidence of ________ _________.
Cultural Relativism
If I were to move to the United States with an ethnic background that was very different from most Americans, I would move to a place that was familiar or where I felt comfortable with. This is called a _____ __ _____.
Sense of place
Only 25% of internet users speak English as their first language, but over ____ the internet is in English.
When a language is not being taught to the younger generation, it is known as a _____ language.
Which city has the highest number of pop musicians?
Nashville, Tennessee
If one were to be offered food from another culture that they didn't want to eat, how would they respond in a way that is showing cultural relativism?
"No thank you" "I'll have something else" etc.
New Orleans, Louisiana, shows evidence of sequent occupancy from which cultures?
Spanish, French, African American
The syncretism of two languages, such as Spanish and English to make spanglish, or French and English to make franglais, is known as a ______ ________.
pigdin language
How can language be a centrifugal force?
Not everyone knows the same language, and it is harder to communicate without a common language, which can lead to misunderstanding and conflict.
(answers may vary)
Why are Spanish, French, and Italian considered romance languages?
They all derive from Latin, which is the "Romans" language