What is a collection of languages within a branch that share a common origin in the relatively recent past?
a Language group
Spanglish, Denglish, and Franglais are all examples of:
Informal Languages
What is the second most used language family?
A cell phone is an example of:
An artifact
The corona virus is an example of:
contagious diffusion
What is a language of international communication called?
A lingua franca
What is the most well known lingua-franca?
What language group is Mandarin a part of?
Gendered spaces and ethnic neighborhoods are examples of:
Cultural landscapes
Hip hop and rap music are examples of:
Hierarchical diffusion
What is an official language?
a language used by the government to enact legislation, publish documents, and conduct other public businesses
what type of language would be used by the government?
institutional language
What is the most commonly used Balto-Slavic language?
Religion is an example of:
A Mentifact
Contagious diffusion
What is the difference between a centripetal and centrifugal force?
Centripetal forces unite people and centrifugal forces pull people apart
what are the three reasons why dialects within the same language are different?
Vocabulary, spelling, and pronunciation
What are the four branches of Indo-European languages from most-least common
Indo-Iranian, Germanic, Romance, Balto-Slavic
The dress at a QuinceaƱera is an example of a(n)
The changing interpretations of religious texts as they are translated is an example of:
Stimulus diffusion
What is a cultural landscape?
Natural landscape that has been modified by humans to reflect their cultural beliefs and values
What is the difference between language and dialect?
language is how we communicate. Dialect is a variation in language based on geographical location.
What are the four most widely used Romance languages?
Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian
On the Day of the Dead in Mexico, people put marigolds on graves. This is an example of:
A sociofact
The federal government is the first to be informed of government matters before the public. This is an example of:
Hierarchical diffusion