The part of the horse's head that is right between their ears.
What is the poll?
The part of the bridle that goes in the horses mouth.
What is the bit?
The front of the saddle.
What is the pommel?
Legs, Hands, Seat, Voice.
What are natural aids?
The year Culver Military Academy was founded.
What is 1894?
The part of the horse that includes the frog.
What is the hoof?
What is a mare?
The part of the saddle that goes around the horse, securing the saddle to your horse.
What is the girth?
Whip, Crop, Martingales.
What are artificial aids?
The name of the man that founded Culver Military Academy.
Who is Henry Harrison Culver?
The part of the horse at the top of the shoulder where the neck joins the body.
What is the withers?
The left side of the horse.
What is the near side?
The part of the bridle that goes across the horse's forehead.
What is the browband?
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the footfalls for this gait.
What is the trot?
The number of Inaugural Parades the Black Horse Troop has been invited to attend.
What is 19?
The part of the horse that is located between the knee and fetlock.
What is the cannon bone?
A white marking that covers the forehead, but not the eyes and nostrils, and extends down the face covering the width of the nasal bones.
What is a blaze?
The part of the saddle that covers the stirrup bar.
What is the skirt?
A color, breed, or type of horse in which the coat color is yellow to golden and the mane and tail are white to cream.
What is a palomino?
The first instructor of Cavalry at Culver.
Who is Captain H.E. Cook?
The part of the horse that is located between the gaskin and the cannon bone.
What is the hock?
The aerial portion of grass or herbage especially cut and cured for animal feeding.
What is hay?
Another name for the noseband.
What is the cavesson?
The two horses in the barn that have only one eye each.
Who are Cataloona and Capt. Wink?
The man we celebrate every fall with a ride and ceremony at a cemetary.
Who is General Gignilliat?