When can you go on your ipad?
When your teacher says to take it out.
If you have to go to the bathroom, where should you sign out?
Create an E-hall pass.
What number do you have to know when you go to the lunch room?
Lunch number. 320__
When should you throw rocks?
What time does the first bell ring in the morning?
What should your voice be at during independent work time?
Zero - your voices should be off.
What do you do if you see something you shouldn't in the bathroom? (Writing on the walls)
Tell a teacher.
What do you do when you spill your milk?
clean it up.
If you have an issue out at recess, who should you tell?
The outside teacher.
Where does your phone belong during school hours?
What room could you go to if you are feeling overwhelmed?
Room 207
What do you do when you MISS your NBA shot in the trash can?
Pick it up and throw it away.
How do you earn going outside after eating?
Raise your hand and wait for a teacher to excuse you.
When should you get your jacket for recess?
When you walk down for lunch.
What time does school get out?
What do you do at the end of the day to get ready to go home?
When is an appropriate time to ask when to go to the bathroom?
When the teacher is not talking or work time.
Can your ipad be out on the lunch table?
Where should you NOT go on the playground?
The woods
What are three things you can do before school starts?
breakfast, teacher help, outside.
Who is the most beautiful teacher?
If you have an emergency, do you need to ask to go to the bathroom?
Where should your eyes be when carrying your tray?
up and on a swivel.
If there is an issue in the gaga pit, what should you do?
go over rules beforehand to make sure everyone is on the same page. Or tell a teacher.
What time do the buses leave in the afternoon?