Who is the Red-Clothed Cup With Big Eyes?
What is the name of the island where Cuphead and Mugman live?
Inkwell Isle
What year was the cuphead show made?
What is the name of Hilda Bergs fight?
Thretlien Zeppelin
Who is cuphead to Mugman?
Who is The Father-Figure Of Cuphead & Mugman?
Elder Kettle
What year did cuphead come out?
Who is the main antagonist in the Cuphead show?
King dice
What color objects can you parry?
What color are cup heads gloves when at the results screen?
Who is The Blue Glop Boss?
Goopy Le Grande
What is the name of the shopkeeper who Cuphead and Mugman can buy items from?
Is Goopy Le Grande in the cuphead show?
True or false, Grim Matchstick the Dragon is fought on platforms.
How many bosses can you fight in the casino minus king dice?
Who is the Sugerland queen?
Baroness Von Bon Bon
How is "Sugarland Shimmy" represented on the map?
A muffin
Who made the cuphead show?
Chad and Jared Moldenhauer
In "Forest Follies", which of these is NOT a enemy Mushrooms, Birds, Daisies, Tullips?
How many main boss fights are there in cuphead?
Who is one of the hardest bosses in cuphead?
Chef Saltbaker
How long does it take the average person to beat Cuphead?
10½ Hours
What are all the bosses from the game that appear in the show?
Cala Maria, The root pack, Grim Matchstick, Hilda Burg, Ribby and Croaks, The Devil, Baroness Von Bon Bon, Captain Brineybeard, King Dice, Sally Stageplay, and Werner Werman
Which two words always appear on screen before the start of a boss battle?
Ready? WALLOP!
How many types of bullets can cuphead shoot?