What city will the 2014 Olympics take place a. Sochi b. Moscow c. St. Petersburg
What is Sochi
Attorney General Mark Herring of what state was outraged by Republicans last week by refusing to defend the state's ban on gay marriage on the grounds it is unconstitutional? a. Sean Law b. James Charles c. Mark Herring
Who is Mark Herring
This is the newest STD a. Chlamydia b. AIDS c. Lyme Disease
What is Lyme Disease
What federal government agency can get unrestricted access to your iPhone a. NSA b. FBI c. Homeland Security
What is a, NSA.
This celebrity was just arrested for inappropriate behavior in a jail cell and for street racing
Who is Justin Bieber?
Where will the FIFA World Cup 2014 take place a. Chile b. Argentine c. Brazil
What is Brazil
At what campus was there an outbreak of meningitis by announcing that they would provide a vaccine that has yet to be approved in the U.S. a. Harvard b. Princeton c. Yale
What is Princeton University
This is/are the newest weapon against climate change a. Little mushrooms b. Sponges c. Fungi
What are little mushrooms
What social media website does not want you to unfollow anyone ever a. Twitter b. Facebook c. Instagram
What is Facebook.
What mayor smoked crack A. Rick Perry B. Chris Christie C. Rob Ford
Who is Rob Ford
In what country is a student is being investigated for sexually assaulting a police officer because she kissed the helmet of the officer? a. Rome b. Italy c. Spain
What is Italy
This Boston Bombing suspect is suspected to have been a schizophrenic and hearing voices after a five month investigation a. Tamerlan Tsarnaev b. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev c. Jahar Tsaernav
Who is Tamerlan Tsarnaev
Scientists have a hunch that this planet could possibly harbor life a. Pluto b. Neptune c. Jupiter
What is Jupiter
Police bust a marijuana farmer using what technology? a. Google Earth b. Google Maps c. Mapquest
What is Google Earth
Who is the new, liberal mayor of New York City a. Chris Christie b. Bill de Blasio c. Alec Baldwin
Who is Bill de Blasio
The Pope dismissed a cardinal from what country for his attempt to get the church to focus less on issues like abortion and more on spreading the faith and caring for the poor. a. Canada b. France c. The United States
What is the United States
Which state recently came under fire for its new voter ID that was claimed to be racially discriminatory a. South Carolina b. Tennessee c. North Carolina
What is North Carolina
What natural disaster occurred in the Philippines November 2013 a. Hurricane b. Tornado c. Super Typhoon
What is Super Typhoon
What torrent is leading to Netflix's taste-making success a. UTorrent b. BitTorrent c. Torlok
What is BitTorrent
Hugo Chavez, the president of which country died in 2013 a. Chile b. Venezuela c. Brasil
What is Venezuela
In December 2013, which country launched their first moon probe a. Russia b. China c. Greece
What is China
This city in Utah is where a federal judge struck down part of Utah's anti-polygamy law in favor of reality TV series Sister Wives a. Provo b. Salt Lake City c. Ogden
What is Salt Lake City
Scientists are beginning to think that this animal should have the same rights as humans a. Cats b. Dogs c. Snakes
What is b, dogs.
A new innovation that would allow customers to design their own smartphone tailoring to their own personal needs is a. iPhone 6 b. Samsung Galaxy SV c. Phone Blocks
What is c, Phone Blocks.
This brain dead pregnant woman was kept on life support against her family's wishes was recently disconnected from her ventilator after a judge's order a. Marlise Munoz b. Charley Rodriguez c. Sharon Day
Who is Marlise Munoz