Intro to Research
Logical Fallacies
Evaluating Sources/Lenses
Media Bias

A statement that presents a main idea and is something can either agree or disagree with.

What is a Thesis?

  • Begins with a universal truth

  • Big idea → small idea

  • Uses logic

  • Can be false if it begins with false premise

What is Deductive Logic?


Attacking a person or their character rather than making a claim based on reason. Includes name-calling, labeling, and being offensive. 

What is Ad Hominem?


The three things to ask about a source and whether or not it is useful for research? Is this source _________?

What is relevant, credible and valid?


A company that owns numerous companies involved in mass media enterprises, such as television, radio, publishing, motion pictures, theme parks, or the Internet

What is a Media Conglomerate?


A thesis must be _____________. Therefore, it must present a view that someone could reasonably contest. 

What is Arguable?

  • Ends with a universal truth

  • Small idea → big idea

  • Uses observation

  • Can be false because exceptions often exist

What is Inductive Logic?


Using a personal or isolated experience as compelling and worthwhile evidence; thinking personal experience can be applied to other circumstances. 

What is Anecdote?


Using a source that is no more than ____ years old is more credible and useful for research.

What is 10 years?


The largest media conglomerate in America today. They own Warner Bros., Cartoon Network, CW, TBS, TNT, HBO, CNN, MLB Network.

Who is AT&T?


a statement made that asserts a perspective

What is a Claim?


What type of logic example is this?

Mike  just moved here from LA. Mike has red hair. Therefore, everyone from LA has red hair.

What is Inductive Logic?


Arguing that a change in procedure, law, or action will create a domino-effect of adverse consequences; suggesting if one thing happens, a series of this will inevitably happen. 

What is Slippery Slope?


This lens explores how daily issues have an impact on our daily lives, relationships, customs, beliefs

What is Cultural/Social?


Part of the big 6 media conglomerates in America today. They own ABC, ESPN, Pixar, Miramax, and Marvel Studios. 

Who is Disney? (aka. "the Mouse")


information (data, quotes, excerpts from text) used as proof to support claim or thesis

What is Evidence?


What type of logic example is this?

Snakes are reptiles. Reptiles are cold-blooded. Therefore, snakes are cold-blooded.

What is Deductive Logic?


What type of logical fallacy is this?

The Senator argues that we should reform the tax code, but he doesn't even pay taxes on half of what he earns!

What is Ad Hominem?


This lens explores an issues’ effects on government decisions considering historical backgrounds.

What is Political/ Historical?


Owner of News Corp, the Wall Street Journal, The New York Post, Fox News, The Sun, HarperCollins. known as the “Most powerful media tycoon”. Is a known strong Republican.

Who is Rupert Murdoch?


a reason or set of reasons given with the aim of persuading others that an action or idea is right or wrong. (A+B=C*).

What is an Argument? (Claim/Conclusion works.)


_______________ are common errors in reasoning that will undermine the logic of your argument. They can either be illegitimate arguments or irrelevant points. They are often identified by lack of evidence to support a claim.

What are Logical Fallacies?


What type of logical fallacy is this?

I don't think it's a good idea to lower the drinking age. Next thing we know kids will get to drive at age ten, and vote at fifteen. Let kids be kids and adults be adults.

What is Slippery Slope?


This lens explores the effects on the surroundings of a place or its context.

What is Environmental? 


Is the Founder and CEO of Amazon. Is known as the World’s richest person since 2017 with a Net Worth $196 billion. He practically owns The Washington Post.

Who is Jeff Bezos?