SOR (Science of Reading)
Reading Between the Lines
Does it add up?
I SEE TEA and Small Groups
I want to...(name the program)

This refers to the ability to identify and manipulate individual sounds in spoken words. By recognizing and manipulating individual sounds within spoken words, helps teach how sounds combine to form words. We address this by teaching Heggarty in grades K-2. 

What is Phonemic Awareness?


This program is currently being used in all ICT, 12:1:1, and 8:1:1 to teacher reading and writing... most for the first time this year. (It is not called HMH)

What is Into Reading? 


This is the name of our standards based Math program. Some hope to see into the future for a new curriculum... 

What is enVision 2.0? 


Say thank you to these colleagues who are essential to supporting small group instruction in classrooms... as well as many other things.

Who are paraprofesisonals? 


...learn a new skill on Fridays last period. Hopefully to be found at Adelphi and 13th Avenue

What are studios?


We use these programs to support the teaching phonics

What is Fundations, Words Their Way and Readtopia/GO?


This program teaches literacy in grades 3-5 and is specifically designed to teach students with significant disabilities and should not be taught to mastery. 

What is Readtopia? 


This is a lower grade math fluency based game available to all and this is an upper grade math support that can also be used as enrichment. 

What are Reflex and IXL? 


Visual schedules, rotations and 1:1 work stations and small group instruction are all components of this style of pedagogy. 

What is Structured Teaching? 


...join an online reading with the whole school to learn about lived experiences and cultures. 

What is One School, One Book?


These are 3 out of the 5 components of the Science of Reading that we are all including in our teaching

What are Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, Fluency, Vocabulary, and Comprehension? 


I see the name of the module essential questions, key vocabulary, anchor relevant charts, key stories all visible in the classroom. 

What are some things that should be visible in all classrooms?


These are at least 3 of the ways to access mathematics instruction for students receiving supports in 6:1:1 settings. 

What are Equals, 1:1 instruction based on ABLLS, SANDI skills kits, community based instruction? 


There are 6 or 7 of them, depending on who you read. We usually use 6. Thank you for being a Friend. 

What are the number of co-teaching models? 


...attend this meeting once a month to talk about school-wide issues with multiple members of the community. 

What is SLT (School Leadership Team)? 


The Science of Reading suggests to move away from this type of library organization so that students have greater access to a variety of tests. 

What are Fountas and Pinnell leveled libraries? 


This teaching ratio will follow a modified pacing shared by the District 75 Office. 

What is 8:1:1?


This therapy style requires the analysis of data to encourage certain preferred behaviors to increase. 

What is Applied behavior analysis (ABA)?


This model of co-teaching allows for students to rotate or have content presented to them at different times during the lesson. You might find it in space. 

What is station teaching? 


...share everything I am going to be teaching this year with families. 

When are curriculum conferences? 

(Sept 23-Sept 27, Classroom Teachers) 

(September 30th-Oct 10th, Specialists)


You can use this to climb literacy great heights; a theory combining word recognition and comprehension to build great readers... also shares the name of one of our teachers at Carroll Street. 

What is Scarborough's Reading Rope?


In this cyclical program, you are not supposed to present content more than once, even if students do not fully understand the objective. This is because it is designed to to present repetition with variety... the objective will come up again.

What is ReadtopiaGO?


Math programs are very different. However, these hands-on items are usually used in many of them. 

What are manipulatives? 


All staff that support a student should provide feedback during the writing of this legally binding document. Yes, if it is in there, you are supposed to do it. 

What is the IEP (Individualized Education Program?)


...celebrate the school community, fundraise, eat and dance. 

What is the end of year Gala/School Auction?