Curriculum Eras
Types of Curricula
Curriculum-Scented Potpourri
Name That Legislation
Curriculum Theory

This Curriculum era (which spanned from 1890-1916) was centered around science and rationalism, both in design and pedagogy. 

What is Academic Scientism?


This curriculum type is aptly named because it is centered around allocation of the time and resources needed to support it.

What is the Supported Curriculum?


This educational theory places an emphasis on developmental goals for early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. It also sought conformity within social roles and expectations. 

What is Developmental Conformism? 


This 2001 act's intention was to improve student achievement by putting a spotlight on accountability, increasing schools' flexibility with federal funding, providing more options for underprivileged students, and promoting pedagogical methods that had been proven to work. 

What is the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB)?


The nature of this is said to be cyclical, and therefore should be studied by leaders in order to monitor trends.

What is Curriculum Theory?


This era brought us NCLB and Common Core Standards, but also put homeschooling and diversity education in the forefront.

What is Modern Conservatism?


This teacher-centered curriculum type may or may not align with the Written Curriculum, relying heavily upon lesson delivery and student connection.

What is the Taught Curriculum?


He is the educational theorist whose child-centered views advocated for learning by exploratory growth; the "Progressive" of Progressive Functionalism.

Who is John Dewey?


This Act operated under the belief that students would perform better if more was expected of them.

What is Goals 2000: Educate America Act?


These types of teachers seek to stimulate student engagement through evoking emotion and interest-based learning.

What are Holistic Teachers?


This late '60s to mid-'70s era's proponents included Carl Rogers and John Holt, who believed in education that was centered around students' individual needs and interests--which fostered the development of alternative schools. 

What is Romantic Radicalism?


This curriculum type denotes the use of teacher-planned, district-developed, curriculum-referenced, and standardized tests.

What is the Tested Curriculum?


The list of these include problem-solving, creativity, and communication as student goals.

What are Essential Critical 21st Century Skills?


This Act funded elementary and high schools' materials, professional development, and community connection initiatives...but forbade a national curriculum and gave military recruiters access to Juniors' and Seniors' information.

What is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)?


These "hands-off" advocates endorse experiential learning through exploration and do not follow a specific curriculum, relying instead on student choice and curiosity. 

What are Laissez-Faire advocates?


This '90s era ushered in the concept of charter schools, a public-private education hybrid which are "freed from some regulations that govern traditional schools in exchange for greater accountability for results."

What is Technological Constructionism?


This curriculum has the endorsement of professionals within the field and closely adheres to State and Federal government regulations. 

What is the Recommended Curriculum?


Sometimes referred to as "unstudied" or "implicit," this type of curriculum teaches students skills outside of the general content areas.

What is the Hidden Curriculum?


This 1975 act mandates that students with disabilities receive a "free and appropriate public education" (FAPE).

What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)?


This type of theorist believes that education should be structured and efficient, churning out standards mastery "like a well-oiled machine."

What is a Linear Thinker?


Marked by the dawn of the information age, this technology-minded era placed a heavy focus on critical thinking skills.

What is Privatistic Conservatism?


This curriculum type accounts for the skills and knowledge students retain from both intentional and hidden curricula.

What is the Learned Curriculum?


This educational school of thought pushed the implementation of math and science at the height of the Cold War and space race.

What is Scholarly Structuralism?

While not a piece of legislation, this eye-opening publication heavily criticized the US education system, stating that, if an enemy imposed its level of mediocrity on our students, it would be considered an act of war.

What is A Nation At Risk: The Imperative for Educational Reform?


Proponents of this theory seek to call out injustices and dismantle harmful societal norms. 

What is Critical Theory?