What is the name of our ELA curriculum
EL Education
What time is recess?
What is bible?
What is the name of our Science Curriculum?
Mystery Science
Do we have projects in 5th grade?
How many units are in each module?
How many siblings does Ms. Burgos have?
Is bible graded?
Yes, just like every other subject
What is our first unit?
Web of Life
Is extra credit available to you?
Yes on a case by case basis
What is the first performance task?
A monologue
When is our first class election?
Tuesday, September 10th
What is our first topic in Bible?
God's Love
Will we have tests in Science?
Yes same as every other subject
Do we have a project for every subject?
What is the name of the novel we will be reading?
Esperanza Rising
How many projects will you have this school year?
one bible and reading project each month plus one math/social studies/science each quarter
Will you have to learn scriptures?
Yes and you will be tested on them
Quarters 1 & 3
When is extra credit work allowed and accepted?
Only during progress reports
What is our first module about?
Human Rights
How often do our spelling words change?
each month
What is the purpose of Bible class?
To learn about the Christian Religion, the Bible, and to grow your relationship with God.
what was the first science lesson?
Food chains
When will the projects start being assigned?
All projects start in September and continue through May