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City Services
Leisurely Recreation
CRM Experts

The number of facilities that Customer Experience Agents work out of. 

What is five (5) facilities?


This online portal and internal software allows CXAs and residents to register for recreational programming. 

What is Xplor Recreation?


This division looks after the collection of brush and leaves once per year.

What is Solid Waste?


A customer service interaction at counter in a recreation facility is recorded under what "channel" in CRM?

What is a "walk-in"?


What do you put in the Contact field when a caller wants to submit an SR but does not want their name or contact details attached to the service request. 

What is a Concerned Citizen?


A good customer service lead-in includes these four steps. 

What is a friendly greeting, your company or department name, your name, and an offer to assist?


These are step-by-step guides that explain the SR type, when to use it, what information to gather from the caller, and what queue to assign the SR to.

What are Knowledge Articles?


You must contact this multi-service department when requesting a lottery license or reporting a bylaw infraction. 

What is Licensing and Enforcement?


This type of request can be processed by CXA's if the date is within 30 days, payment is received, and a signed contract is submitted. 

What is a one-time booking?


The unique identifier used in the Contact Record in CRM?

What is an email address?


What does the term Q-TIP mean in reference to customer service professionals?

What is "Quit taking it personally"? 


The dressing room boards need to be updated at INVISTA. You must log into this program to make enter and publish the needed changes. 

What is FirmCHANNEL?


The washrooms at John Machin Field are not open when they should be. Which department should receive this service request?

What is Pubic Works?


This facility was built next to the armoury and former military barracks. 

What is the Artillery Park Aquatic Centre?


Where can you search for Knowledge Articles directly in CRM? 

What is the Quick Search bar or the Magnifying Glass Icon on the right side?


In addition to the mission and vision statements, there are four values the City of Kingston embraces. What are they?

What is belonging, collaboration, accountability, and innovation?


An online self-serve portal where community members can go to submit service requests, access online forms, apply for burn permits, and access other services specific to them and their property. 

What is MyKingston?


This department looks after preparing Council Agendas, updating City By-laws, and addressing certain types of accessibility issues. 

What is the Office of the City Clerk?


This division within the Recreation & Leisure Department looks after maintaining indoor ice rinks and City owned Marinas. 

What is 'Recreation Facilities?'


When is the only time a Contact record can be shared between multiple people (for example spouses)?

What is when they share an email address?


On rare occasions, you may need to end a call that involves abusive language or yelling, however, you must first take these steps. 

What is provide at least TWO verbal warnings?


A community member comes up to the front desk at 7:00 pm on a Sunday evening and asks if there is any way to look up when their garbage day is. Where do you look?

What is the City's Website?

Bonus point: What is the Collection Calendar on the City Website?


Your neighbour always shovels your driveway in the winter because she knows you have a bad back. So you nominate her for this City acknowledgement.

What is a "Snow Angel?"


This facility is located at 1025 Innovation Dr. and access to it is included in one City of Kingston membership. 

What is the Kingston Racquet Centre?


A system used across the corporation to communicate with customers, track customer correspondence, build relationships, and gives frontline staff access to more detailed information to ensure consistent service.

What is the Customer Relationship Management (CRM system)?