postive alternatives to negative langauge
Customer service scenario
Front Desk Duties

"I can't"

"Let me see what I can do."


A student calls the ARC and is asking for another department.

Transfer call to said department. 

  • To transfer calls:

- Give them the number in case of disconnection

- Tell them “I will transfer you now”

- Press transfer

- type in ext. Number

-press transfer again


True or False?

When assigning a tutor to a student, the person at the front desk is the last resort. If there are no other tutors available, then the person at the front desk helps them.



"I don't know."

"Great question! I will find out."


A student comes in confused and in need of accessibility services.

Communicate with the student and direct them to Student Accessibility Services.


Managing mail and deliveries.

Deliver it to Coral and if Coral isn't there, hold it at the front desk until she comes in.


"You'll have to.."

"Would you mind if..."


A student comes in confused about where other buildings are. (ex. library)

Escort them using the map that is available on the front desk.


The phone has a red light on it. 

There is a voicemail. Make sure you check voicemails and return calls appropriately.


"Calm down."

"I understand why you feel that way..."


A student is calling and is asking for resources that are not in your immediate reach. 

You put them on hold. 

 Give them the number in case of disconnection

- Tell them “please hold” 

- Press hold

- Do not place phone back into place until picked up


A student wants to make an appointment with a tutor that is not available. 

Provide student with tutor schedule OR sending student's email to the tutor explaining they want an appointment.


"That's not our fault."

"I apologize for the frustrating situation."


A student becomes aggressive with a tutor, starting to raise his voice and is irritable.

Stay calm, ensure safety, empathize, and problem solve.


What do you do for these two scenario’s?

A tutor says code '77'

A tutor says code '7'

77 - Contact security 7777 and alert supervisor immediately.

 7 - Alert supervisor of a possible need of security