How can you communicate with residents using written communication?
Door Hangers, Work Order Note, Newsletter
Name one of the protected classes according to the Fair Housing Act.
Race, color, religion, national origin, gender, disability, familial status.
Name one tool of great customer service.
Empathy, Adaptability, Good Work Ethic, Job Knowledge, and Clear Communication.
Name one form of nonverbal communication.
Smile, Eye Contact, Body Language, Acknowledgement.
A resident overhears a painter that Towne hired make comments about her race and feels discriminated against. Could she file a fair housing complaint?
Yes. We are responsible for the actions and words of our vendors.
Yes. Even if the resident says they won't be home, you should knock as a courtesy.
What I can do is...
A resident says they will pay you to hang a TV on their wall after hours. Should you accept this side job?
No. It is best to accept side jobs for residents to avoid complaints of favoritism.
Is it ok to use the resident's restroom while you're there to complete a work order?
If a work order needs a follow up appointment for another day, you should...
A) Come back to complete the job whenever you have time.
B) Contact the resident to explain the delay and schedule a follow up time
C) Close out the work order
B) Contact the resident to explain the delay and schedule a follow up time
What order should you complete these work orders should you complete first to follow Fair Housing rules:
1. Light bulb needs replaced (submitted 1/14/25)
2. No Heat & it's 20 degrees out (submitted 1/16/25)
3. Sink in primary bathroom is clogged (submitted 1/16/25)
4. Furnace filter needs replaced (submitted 1/15/25)
1. No Heat & it's 20 degrees out (submitted 1/16/25)
2. Light bulb needs replaced (submitted 1/14/25)
3. Furnace filter needs replaced (submitted 1/15/25)
4. Sink in primary bathroom is clogged (submitted 1/16/25)
What's one thing that you can do to improve your customer service for residents?
Smile & wave when you see them around the property, learn resident's names, introduce yourself, etc...
What is empathy?
Empathy is the ability to understand & share the feelings of a resident.
A resident requests grab bars to be installed in their shower. The office approves the request, but there's no obvious need that the resident needs this for a disability. Can you ask them why they need these installed?
No. If the resident has provided sufficient documentation, we must honor it, even if the disability isn't obvious.
What percentage of people move out due to unsatisfactory maintenance assistance?