Behavior Guidelines
Communication Process
Service Process
Service Recovery Process
______________ is the key to creating the foundation for customer loyalty.
What is consistency
___________ or managers believe they have good interpersonal skills and only 30% of their employees agree with them.
What is 95%
The five steps in a well-defined service routine is... (hint: GALAT)
What is Greet, Ask, Listen, Act, Thank
_________ of customers who had their complaints handled to their satisfaction would return and become loyal to the company
What is 94%
For every customer who complains there are ________ customers to remain silent. This fact is part of _________________________ process.
What is 26 and Service Recovery Process
The 3 Ps in behavior guidelines include...
What is Professional, Proud, Proficient
The 3 types of communication are...
What is verbal, vocal, and non-verbal
Maintaining body language including eye contact, and smiling is this part of the GALAT...
What is Greet
The 3 types of concerned people include...
What is passive, constructive, and aggressive
We spend almost ___________ our day listening. This fact is part of _________________ process.
What is half and Communication Process
Welcoming customers, giving full attention, and treating co-workers and customers respectfully is a form of which of the 3Ps?
What is Professional
Having a face-to-face conversation you should use this type of communication...
What is non-verbal
Expressing a sincere, upbeat and positive appreciation for choosing the company, and inviting the customer to return is this part of the GALAT...
What is Thank
The 3 types of aggressive people include...
What is grumpy green, yelling yellow, and raging red
Every customer who complains on a social media site will reach an average ___________ other people. This fact is part of ______________________ process
What is 60 and Service Recovery Process
Having current, complete knowledge of products and services, recognizing clues about customers' needs, and using listening skills is a form of which of the 3 Ps?
What is Proficient
Having a phone conversation you should use this type of communication...
What is vocal
Matching products and services to meet the customer's needs, explaining how the product or service can solve their need, and asking the customer if they would like to purchase the product or service is this part of the GALAT...
What is Act
Having major feelings of frustration, victimization and hurt, often not rational due to intense feelings of anger, intimidating, and not willing to concede are characteristics of this type of aggressive people...
What is Raging Red
__________ saying "should", "but", or "however", as they often convey a negative connotation. This is part of the ______________ Process.
What is Avoiding, and Communication Process
John is late for work. He didn't have time to properly iron his uniform or to polish his shoes. He runs in the door and goes to the counter to welcome his customers. He gives his customers all the information and smiles and wishes them a nice day. Which of the 3Ps is John missing in his customer service? Which strand in that P is it?
What is Proud. What is taking care of your uniform and professional attire.
The difference/an example between verbal, vocal, and non-verbal communication is...
What is words, pitch, body language
The four different types of listening include...
What is mirroring, paraphrasing, summarizing, and clarifying.
L.E.A.R.N stands for this...
What is Listen, Empathize, Acknowledge, Respond, and Now Follow-Up
Sincerely apologizing for the situation no mater who is at fault, taking ownership of the customer and resolving the concern, and not giving excuses or reasons or place blame elsewhere is this part of the LEARN... This fact is part of the _________________ Process.
What is Acknowledge, and Service Recovery Process.