What are some of the things that can irritate people when dealing with customer service departments? Which of these things irritate you most?
On the telephone: - being put on hold - Speaking to a disinterested person - Choosing a series of options during your call - Finding the customer service number is continuously engaged Face-to face: - unhelpful personnel - stressed or indifferent staff -salespeople with poor product knowledge - too few staff at peak times Repairs and refunds: - delays on repairs -delays in getting money back - no replacement equipment while repairs are carried out.
I'm afraid you sent me the wrong model.
I'm sorry. We should have checked your order more carefully.
Komoly panaszt szeretnék tenni.
I'm afraid I have to make a serious complaint.
A szállítmánynak csak a fele érkezett meg. Írjon levelet, amelyben kéri a szállítmány fennmaradó részének mielőbbi postázását!
On checking the goods we found that... We need... to... We must ask you to ... It is absolutely essential that you...
What does the idiom 'pass the buck' mean?
avoid responsibility
How do you define good customer service? What does good customer service involve?
- welcoming customers - approaching customers at an appropriate time and initiating a conversation with them if they need it. - asking questions to establish the customer's needs. - using product knowledge to select items that match customer needs - highlighting the product's features and benefits to customers - offering related products - thanking customers and inviting them to return
The books we have ordered haven't reached us yet.
Sorry. You should have been informed that some of the titles were out of stock.
Azonnal utánanézek.
I'll look into the matter right away.
Figyelmeztesse partnerét, hogy az elmúlt évben ez a harmadik alkalom, hogy kevesebb árut szállítottak. Fenyegesse meg, hogy ha még egyszer előfordul, más beszállító után néznek.
This is the third time in the last 12 months that you have short-shipped one of our orders. If there is any further repetition of this, we will be forced to look for an alternative supplier.
Ez volt az utolsó cseppa pohárban:
That was the last straw (that broke the camel's back).
Why is it important for companies to pay increasing attention to customer service?
It's very important to retailers to have customer loyalty. Most competitors offer the same products, so you have to make a difference with great customer service.
Some of the goods were badly damaged.
I'm sorry. If you let me have the reference numbers, we'll send replacements at once.
Valószínű mi hibáztunk valahol.
There's probably been a mistake at our end.
Fejezze ki válaszlevélben sajnálkozását a késedelmes szállítás miatt. Ígérje meg, hogy a jövőben nem fordul elő.
Thank you for your letter. We are extremely sorry to learn about the delay. We can assure you that it will not happen again in the future. // we can assure you that every efort will be made to ensure that similar errors do not occur again.
Elfelejtettem. Kiesett a fejemből.
It slipped my mind.
What are some golden rules of dealing with customer complaints?
- Show the customer you are listening by checking that you understand. - Allow the customer to show their emotions if they are upset or angry. - apologize and show empathy - admit that the problem was your fault if it was. - do not end up arguing with the customer - do not be defensive - concentrate on the situation, not the personalities. - tell the customer what you can and cannot do. - go into computer mode - possibly offer some compensation
We still haven't received your invoice.
Sorry about that. I'm afraid we must have sent it to the wrong department. I'll look into the matter straight away.
Teljesen jogos a sérelme. Elnézést kérünk a kavarodásért.
Your complaint is wholly justified. Please excuse us for this mix-up.
Nyomatékosan szólítsa fel partnerét, hogy küldje ki a megfelelő színű árut.
It is absolutely essential that you ship the goods in the colour requested.
What happens when you are ripped off?
You pay too much.
Describe an example from your own experience when the service you received was excellent / poor / disgraceful.
I'm afraid these figures aren't correct.
I'm terribly sorry. I'll have them checked for you straight away.
Még ma postázzuk.
I'll have them dispatched today.
Hívja fel partnere figyelmét, hogy a 234 EC 56-os referenciaszámú rendelés számlája nem érkezett meg. Kérje a mielőbbi postázást.
I am sorry to inform you that the invoice for order no 234 EC 56 has not arrived. I would like to ask you to post them at your earliest convenience.
What happens when you talk at cross purposes?
You misunderstand each other.